China bans Sissies!

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Apparently the Chinese govt is worried that androgynous trends in Japanese + S Korean
culture will influence theirs and erode their nation's communist revolutionary virility
or some nonsense, so they've banned "sissy men" from appearing on television.
I'm sure they'll soon have some weirdly arbitrary guidelines to determine who
is masculine enough to not be a corrupting influence on the youth of China.
It's part of a much broader crackdown on the rights of their citizens
meant to guard them from what Lenin or somebody termed
"Western Decadence" (a/k/a freedom of expression) ...

Maybe there's a better one, but the article I saw about it is:

What is it about authoritarian regimes that has them so hung up on masculinity?
Why are these "Guardians of Moral Hygiene" always such total nematodes?

This kind of thinking is so weird it's almost comical, but I'm sure the results
of yet another country wigging out + trying to regulate sexuality or gender
presentation won't be funny at all; the message it sends to China's
estimated 11,000,000 petticoated sissies, that they're not OK...
~hugs, Veronica


What If You Are A Sissy?

Even if you are completely heterosexual, what if you just ARE feminine in your presentation?


Amethyst's picture

I can already see the human rights violations this is going to lead to in China.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

You are gay or not masculine enough

My gosh, I heard that my whole life! My stepfather beat me and wanted to kill me for it. My wife ridiculed me despite doing extremely dangerous and masculine work. I've done things that would make mortals piss themselves. There were times when I knew death was a very real possibility. Thankfully, when I became a woman all that stopped. Heh, heh, heh. Oddly, no one accuses me of being masculine. :)

Misguided Chinese mandarins

0.25tspgirl's picture

The communist dynasty of imperial China has a much bigger problem than un-masculine males. After 80 years of one child there is a significant imbalance male to female. 20% or so of current Chinese males have no chance of a relationship and family because there are no females.
(Please note I’m ignoring alternative relationships for this discussion.)
In the past the nation state with surplus males acquired females by conquering a neighboring state. (Eg: Rome and the Sabine women.) This is a part of their current aggressive global posture.
To choose to outlaw less masculine and feminine males just underscores this move towards imperial expansion.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

Single child policy

bryony marsh's picture

You realise that an imbalance of the kind you describe would mean that the single child policy has led to countless girls being aborted, killed in infancy or abandoned?

I think that restricting the birthrate is an ethical thing to do in our overcrowded world – an ultra-rare example of China’s leadership doing something good. The problem runs deep, though: why don’t these people value females?

In reality, I think that a relaxation of the law would probably reveal that there are millions of ‘unacknowledged’ children in China: unregistered and with no rights. The population of our planet is probably a lot higher than we know about.

I got sent to China for work a while back. I wanted to hate the Chinese – and I certainly detested the pollution, the lack of green space and the food (when they want to honour a guest they bring out some very ‘unusual’ dishes)... but what I found was that the ordinary people are just people. They’re all cautiously playing a waiting game, silently hoping for an end to the madness. They aren’t fervent communists at all – other than the crime bosses at the top.

Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh

A friend of mine ...

... finished his paid work by setting up a factory in China before finally retiring. He made many friends with the Chinese engineers he worked with and returned several times as a guest. As you say, they're mostly just people. I've cycle-toured overseas quite a lot and always found the general public helpful and friendly, often beyond what might be expected. The communist revolution in China was to some extent justified but not so much now.

I'm not sure why they assume only the most effeminate men are likely to be homosexual. A lot are quite the reverse or even just like everyone else.


Thcrew Them!

joannebarbarella's picture

I'm not going there! Tho There!

This from a country that not so many years ago insisted that their government was run by eunuchs!

The censor's delema

crash's picture

It's instructive to realize that the agency of the government that imposes these bans must grant itself the privilege to view them so that they can properly assign the prohibition.

Your friend