A new weight loss drug.

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America has a new weapon in the fight against obesity. The FDA on Friday approved a new weight-loss drug, Wegovy, for people who are either obese or overweight and have at least one weight-related medical problem. 

Some of us might be dysphoric about the appearance of our body in that (after much effort), we still see characteristics more resembling the wrong sex. In some friends of mine, this feeling has resulted in anorexia or obesity. Others might have given up on trying to get a more gender affirming appearance and let things slide; gaining weight as a result. I read that some in the USA worry that their insurance might not cover this drug. In countries with more rational health care, I hope this wouldn't be a problem.

Hugs, Renee



Considering the last CDC report of 2017-18 of 42.4(!) percent obesity rate and Covid not helping to say the least, it is needed.

Ultimately if people can stick to such a drug it may help improve health matters and lower insurance rates.

I work for a decent employer and every year the quality of the employer provides is getting worst and worst and my employer is a very big corporation. Peeking around, I see that occurring everywhere. Covid is gong to make that worst too.

I personaly am pretty healthy and barely use 600 dollars in health care in a year typically even though I am bumping on my 60s so it is no doubt the overall unhealthiness of the populationp pushing health insurance costs up and up.

Rather than jumping to (yet another) ‘magic’ pill …

Move towards a solid, healthy/ier base, and then ‘tweak’ with pills and such if still needed. (And how many ‘magic pills’ have been pulled off the market for hurting people …?)

First, no matter what else you, get enough vitamin B-12. This is for everybody.

These sites will get you towards healthy/ier:

This is free and a great place to start: https://kickstart.pcrm.org/en
PCRM is Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, founded by Dr Neal Barnard. All their information is free (If you want a book your library doesn’t have, or to want to attend a seminar or residency program, well, for those, they do need to charge.) They have scores (likely many more) of podcasts, each on a variety of health topics. Look over Dr Barnard’s books (and life) at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_D._Barnard#Books

https://pbnm.org/ Plant Base Nutrition Movement. The two doctors (T Colin Campbell & Kim Williams) at the bottom of the page – I’ve been to lectures by both. At a lecture by Dr Campbell, I asked a question, and he got it >so< wrong. I asked him “How many people have you helped?” - “Around a thousand.” I think he was low by a factor of at least 1,000 – I think he’s helped closer to a million people…

Dr Micheal Greger at https://NutritionFacts.org/ has well over 2,000 searchable 3-8 video minute health topic talks. And, Greger is a hoot to listen to. He wrote “How Not To Die”, “How Not To Diet Cookbook” and “How to Survive a Pandemic” and others.

Then Dr McDougall at https://www.drmcdougall.com/. Take a look at his “Coloring Book”: https://www.drmcdougall.com/articles/general-information/cpb/
His major points:
- drop all animal products,
- complex carbs are your friends,
- drop vegetable oils to very low.

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There is a single, temporary hazard in doing this: If you are currently on medications (including insulin) for diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, erectile dysfunction or similar – your health and numbers may improve so quickly there is the risk of going into overdose. Get your numbers, every day, and work with your doctor, every day, to adjust medications as needed.

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No, I am not medically trained. What I say is what doctors and sites whom I trust say.

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And, sigh, yes I have a BMI around 29; I am 20 pounds (9 kg) overweight. And no, I won’t take pills and such.