Dr. Seuss NOT Banned

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There seems to be a misconception that some Dr. Seuss books have been banned and that the US Government is responsible.


The books are not banned and it has nothing to do with the US Government despite attempts to make it appear so by some so-called conservative politicians.

The books in question are still available but the family company that controls the publishing has decided that in today's society some of the characterisations may appear racist and so they have decided not to sell any more of those particular books.

That is the beginning and the end of the matter. There is no "cancel culture" involved and nobody is abrogating the First Amendment of the American Constitution.

For clarification I am not an American citizen but sometimes it needs an outsider to remind you what your Constitution actually says. Politicians tell lies for a living, doesn't matter where they come from.


The wider context problem....

0.25tspgirl's picture

Last year I bought a 4 pack of original Tom Swift stories/books as a Kindle down load. As a tween I read several others with enjoyment. I was unable to get past the second chapter because of the racist actions. I don’t remember any of that from my younger encounter (1960’s). Truely the world has changed for the better. However I admit my younger self may simply have not noticed the racial undertones in the adventure story I was reading. It was a decade later that my world view could notice those issues. We as people and as a people are still scarred by our historical past. As are all.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

the Rest of the story

Teresa L.'s picture

is that these are also some of the LEAST selling books in their catalog, another factor in their decision to retire the books from publication.

Teresa L.

Publishers choice

Wandering Witch's picture

Publishers choice and ironic the complaints come from a group who has spurned Dr Seuss in the past. Really, they are more concerned with fictional characters then real people. And I sure as hell know they don't like me. They hope that if we pay more attention to this stupidity we will all forget they tried to overthrow the government last month.

Here are some images from two of the books, the reason they were removed from publication are apparent.


Well, It's Not Like They Were Selling

A few of the titles removed from the catalog hadn't really sold any copies in years.

The complainers (all politically-motivated, by the way) are trying to treat this like some sudden blacklisting by "woke" "hypocrites," when it's nothing of the sort. The children's books in question had all fallen out of favor some years ago and hadn't seen a press run in years. Now, of course, with people going nuts over "banned books," and paying ludicrous prices for "collector's copies," I can't imagine a few dusty, but otherwise pristine copies sitting around in a warehouse somewhere won't find their way into the marketplace.

Actually, follow the sale prices on eBay over the next few weeks, while everyone who has a copy tries to cash in. Watch the prices plunge.

Oh, you mean the fact that

Oh, you mean the fact that they used easily recognized caricatures as part of the humour? I mean, wow. Who would have expected humour to use caricatures?

it's meaningless and stupid censorship, is what it is. Fine, put a warning at the front of the book "This book was written at a period of time where censorship based on caricatures didn't exist. We believe that the humour is false and evil, and you shouldn't be exposing your children to it. Buyer beware".

Personally, the only reason I don't have a complete collection of the works is that they kept jacking the prices up to where a single ten page book was more than buying a science fiction hardback. If they'd published a complete collection of the works for, say, $100? I'd have bought it.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Who gets to judge?

BarbieLee's picture

And the ladys asked me if the swastika didn't represent hate and racism? After telling me the statues of the confederate soldiers were symbols of hate, bigotry, and racism.

"No ma'am, it's a very interesting graphic with it's sharp corners and straight lines. What it represents is in the mind of the beholder as the graphic has no power as an inanimate graphic. I find it a fascinating piece of art, simple lines and sharp angles.
Pictures, words, statues, all inanimate things have no value in themselves. They are neither good nor evil. I promise you a simple crucifix can't protect anyone from demons or evil spirits if there are such things. It has no power other than what is represented by those who look at such and believe.
If I believe the cross is evil and represents Satan and the swastika represents God, who is to say I'm wrong and judge me? Am I not allowed to form my own opinion and believe what inanimate objects might represent to me?

The six books that will no longer be reprinted are And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot's Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, and The Cat's Quizzer. were deemed offensive. By who's authority? Not mine.

If one finds something not to their liking, don't look at it, don't read it, don't try it. No way in hell I'm going to try bungee jumping, paragliding, and I'm certainly not leaving a perfectly good airplane while it still flies. But if anyone else wants to do them things I'm not going to tell them no because I'm not doing it. I hate when others start deciding what I can read, not read, do, not do and the slippery slope just keeps getting slicker and wider. Why not just lobotomize everyone instead?
Hugs people
Life is a gift. The one you you own is yours doesn't give anyone the right to own everyone else.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
