
Search results

  1. Interesting developments afoot...

    Well, another chapter posted. So that is caught up for now. In other good news, one of my cousins who I haven't spoken to in almost a decade wrote me out of the blue. She wants to talk and all the time. Apparently she has known about me for a while. ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 9 comments

  2. Rambling ramble that rambles

    So, things are still going in the story and what I am posting is catching up to what I haven't written yet. We still have a ways to go and I am hoping that I am able to stay ahead of the game. It does help that I do occasionally realize that there is ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 1 comment

  3. Winter of my discontent

    I am troubled. I am trying to sell my Novel Transitioning Home to an Agent and it is problematic. I am getting positive sounding responses but that basically that the Agent is too busy. I just want to sell my damn Novel, is it really that fracking difficu ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 3 comments

  4. Updated Heathers

    Okay... clearly I am a bit more chipper than the last time I posted.:D So there you go on that one. I am two chapters up on the editing of 300 Rains and the story is going well. I am up to April 5th in the time line and moving forward. Soon our intrepid H ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am

  5. Storm Warnings

    Well, writing is going well. I wrote over ten pages on 300 Rains just today, so that was good. This post is just an FYI for all of you, things are coming up that may cause some sensitive readers some emotional upset. As they get closer to Brazil things ge ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 4 comments

  6. Does the Girl pee in the woods?

    There are many factors that go into camping and a basic one that most everyone I have read forgets when writing is that guys and gals pee differently and thus peeing in the woods is very different. As many people know, guys pee rather easily in the woods. ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 14 comments

  7. Ranma's Return

    Author:  poetheather poetheather's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Okay, another Ranms chapter and this one is one of the more demented in all honesty. I am a bad bad writer. ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am

  8. 300 Rains and Beyond...

    I am glad at the reception that 300 Rains is getting. The overall story so far is at 118k words and climbing. It is looking more and more like I am going to pull it at the end and try to sell it, after a bit more revision and stuff. I will have to run it ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 2 comments

  9. My Daughter could use your help!

    My daughter is trying to get a scholarship that requires people to vote for her. Since the approved method for this is massive pimping of the person in question I am doing that with you all. Please go to this site and vote for my daughter and get other pe ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:32am - 9 comments

  10. To everyone who voted...

    A big thank you to everyone who has voted for my daughter. If you haven't, please go and do so. If you have, log in to a new computer and try again.:) We found out the threshold for the next round is that she needs to be in the top ten and we are a l ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:32am

  11. Information and pleading

    Just an FYI for you all, I have been quite sick the last two weeks and haven't done any writing more than a few paragraphs at a shot the whole time, so once I post Sunday's episode of 300 Rains I will probably take another break like I did in No ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:32am - 5 comments

  12. Teh Crazy... it comes!

    So, I have been running around being far too busy for someone who is unemployed for the last two weeks. As a result still no writing. The issue is part time and part technology, as my laptop is busy messing up whatever I type, dropping the beginnings or e ...

    - 2011/05/17 - 8:51pm - 2 comments

  13. Updates

    New chapter edited and in the can, so that is good. Still nothing original done lately. Part of the new fun is the chronic pain, which seriously sucks but I doubt anyone believes otherwise. Most of the pain is in my right arm and wrist which makes even th ...

    - 2011/05/17 - 8:51pm - 1 comment

  14. Where we are now

    The next chapter is done but things have been rough lately, due to PTSD therapy. I know I will feel better once I am through it, but the during part sucks massively. The story is going well but I have caught up with what I have already written. So, if I c ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:28pm - 3 comments

  15. So very true

    Author:  poetheather poetheather's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Books Just a little something to share with some of my favorite readers. ...

    - 2011/05/28 - 3:10pm - 2 comments

  16. Storm Fall

    Okay, this week and next week at least deals with the storm clouds that have been growing around Melanie and company. So there is some intensity in the next few go rounds. Be prepared. Like for real though. Some of the content may be distressing for some ...

    - 2011/06/02 - 8:02am - 11 comments

  17. Health Update

    I seem to have developed a serious seizure disorder focused in my left shoulder. This is making typing very problematic so the odds are that the posting of chapter 40 is out until this has been dealt with. So it goes. ...

    - 2011/06/10 - 9:41am - 6 comments

  18. More Health Update

    Okay, so here's what's going on. I have Torticollis that snaps my head to the left, wrenching my neck and back, severe muscle spasms in my left shoulder that cause it to come right and my depression symptoms are on the rise. I have a hard time f ...

    - 2011/06/11 - 9:10pm - 9 comments

  19. Weird Sorority Boy Flashback?

    This needs to be watched to be believed. Watchponies This totally made me think of Sorority Boy and the girl who wrote MLP fan fiction. ...

    - 2011/06/16 - 10:26am - 3 comments

  20. Update on Health, writing and 300 Rains

    Okay, so Chapter 40 is edited and I will probably post it Sunday. I have nothing else ready as another story has hijacked me and since this one is for hopeful future publication, it takes precedence right now. So if I have a lull in writing that story I w ...

    - 2011/06/18 - 8:01am - 7 comments
