
Search results

  1. C:/documents/ wishlist/laptop

    Amazingly, I have obtained a free laptop! Toshiba Satellite 1850 Processor: IBM 386 RAM: 4Mb Hard Drive: 120 Mb Monochrome B/W LCD OS: DOS 5.0 The floppy drive is dead and I can't use it for the internet, but I've always had a soft spot in my he ...

    - 2008/06/22 - 9:16am - 8 comments

  2. Drabble Theatre: Not Your Lip Gloss Either

    He... she?... wrapped her hands around the arm of her date as he lead her down the path through the park. Her sister had split off earlier for a little 'alone time' with her date, leaving the two of them to occupy themselves until time to go hom ...

    - 2008/07/04 - 4:32pm

  3. Hollywood! The Theme Song

    I look at the clock and watch time tick by, While we cruise down the block past the neon signs, Gonna sing my song, gonna hear the crowd screamin my name, Been livin life on these small town streets, Ever since I first learned what to do with my feet, But ...

    - 2008/07/11 - 2:38am - 1 comment

  4. It's Interesting

    Oh the things we learn. In my current project my aim is to do a series that has a cohesive storyline while at the same time making most episodes self contained enough to be enjoyable even if you don't keep up with the story. ...

    - 2008/07/12 - 2:12pm - 1 comment

  5. I can't do deadlines.

    Well, my Hollywood! project is on hold indefinitely. Why? 1. Unforeseen continuity and balance issues. 2. My Summer Romance contest entry has grown to epic proportions (for me). It may not be finished in time for the contest, but since it is upwards of 40 ...

    - 2008/07/22 - 9:50pm

  6. Too much

    I think I might be at the breaking point. I just spent the better part of the last two hours bawling my eyes out, and I hope to post this before the real breakdown starts. ...

    - 2008/07/27 - 9:30am - 13 comments

  7. Drabble Theatre: Tattle Tale

    "Mom, mom!" "In the kitchen honey." "Mom! You will never guess what I found!" "You are right about that. Well?" "Sara has a boyfriend! And he's older than her too!" "You worm! What are you- you w ...

    - 2008/08/09 - 9:59pm - 4 comments

  8. Hit Counts

    Hit counts on BC fascinate me. Like others have pointed out before, a hit count of 3000 has become a kind of badge saying a story is doing well. ...

    - 2008/08/10 - 2:59am - 14 comments

  9. Drabble Theatre: Lord of the Fries

    Edwin wiped the countertop down quickly, not so much removing the grease as bringing it to a more even shine. He had been working at the Mondo Burger for a couple of years, barely making enough to stay in college, and yet... "Order up!" He grabb ...

    - 2008/08/14 - 2:14am - 3 comments

  10. Boys

    I know I posted it too late, and for that I apologize. I originally intended a short fifteen hundred word complete, but like so much in my life that soon snowballed into something much more ambitious. That being said, even with all its flaws I'm happ ...

    - 2008/08/16 - 12:54pm - 4 comments

  11. Boys of Summer 11-15

    Rasufelle General Audience (pg) 7,500 < Novelette < 17,500 words Crossdressing Adventure Romance Teenage or High School Contests, Deals, Bets or Dares Sisters Sweet / Sentimental Identity Crisis Appliances Attached Posted by author(s) Boys of Summer ...

    - 2008/08/27 - 5:54pm - 10 comments

  12. Boys of Summer

    Boys of Summer Melanie Ezell ...

    - 2010/08/22 - 3:00pm - 3 comments

  13. Drabble Theatre: Casting Call

    "I don't know about this..." "Oh stop that, this will be fun, I promise." Harold cast his girlfriend a sideways glance. "That's what you said about having your birthday party-" "-party at Kevin's World of ...

    - 2011/03/25 - 9:39am

  14. Drabble Theatre: Rampage!!!

    Ralph was angry. Very angry. ...

    - 2008/09/21 - 11:56pm - 2 comments

  15. You Know...

    I posted the second (technically fourth) Writers' Challenge on Saturday, and so far no takers!:(Maybe if I acknowledged some kind of 'winner' of the last one, but it really isn't that kind of challenge. Very well. The winner is... all ...

    - 2008/09/24 - 2:35pm - 3 comments

  16. Drabble Theatre: Half Price Sale

    She always enjoyed checking him out, seeing what new items he might have. Pickles, mayo, lipstick. Ham, a couple of movies, and a cute bra and panty set. "For my girlfriend," he would say if she asked, but in a town as small as theirs she knew b ...

    - 2008/09/25 - 9:24am - 3 comments

  17. Drabble Theatre: Gordon, Not

    "Gordon!" "That you Gordon?" "Hey Gordon!" Melissa growled as she rushed down the hallway towards the school's rear- and mostly unused- exit. Why had she agreed to do this again? 'Great prank,' he said. 'L ...

    - 2008/09/30 - 12:13am - 4 comments

  18. Progress Report

    My writing has been, w-e-l-l, just about dead the past few weeks, what with limited computer time and all. SO! Echoes- about a page short of being ready for testing on live subjects. ...

    - 2008/10/24 - 6:16pm - 2 comments

  19. Drabble Theatre: Dammit, Janet

    "Jeez Louize!" Tod struck the wheel of his Volvo angrily as yet another red light brought the car to a screeching halt. "Easy, honey, we have plenty of time." ...

    - 2008/10/29 - 5:27pm - 1 comment

  20. Shades of Gaby

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This Saturday, I embark on an epic quest. More horrifying than a term paper, more thrilling than gator wrestling, more geeky than converting your entire D&D campa ...

    - 2008/11/05 - 7:00pm - 8 comments
