
Search results

  1. Nursing? Nah. Or Maybe?

    Author:  Blogger Zoe Taylor's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Nursing? Nah. Or maybe? Is someone trying to get my attention? ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 6 comments

  2. What if?

    What if some time in the future they can tell if a fetus is TG (or gay or whatever). The parents have the option to "fix" him so his brain develops in such a way that it matches the body he's born in-- essentially someone with a male body w ...

    - 2012/01/02 - 9:38pm - 7 comments

  3. NARTH ex-gay group board member takes rent boy to Europe

    Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy" By Penn Bullock and Brandon K. Thorp Thursday, May 6 2010 The pictures on the profile show a shirtles ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 7:55pm - 7 comments

  4. Country Music Singer Chely Wright Comes Out I found this story particularly interesting because I was literally JUST thinking last night about how I enjoy country music and bluegrass, but never really got into it because of the general ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 7 comments

  5. Cookbook Being Published

    I'm working with Lulu to upload a cookbook that I have written. My intent is to have it available both in PDF and in paperback. It has seventeen chapters and is a mix of opinion and recipes (over 200). The title is "The Opinionated Cook". I ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm

  6. A thought about the in Memoriam links- Your thoughts?

    On the main page of this site there exists a link box called "In Memoriam" If I understand this correctly the names listed there are departed friends who used to write for this site. Clicking on those links takes you to the authors page. I think ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 1 comment

  7. limbo: a look at married same-sex couples in states that don't recognize

    limbo: a look at married same-sex couples in states that don't recognize such unions 05-09-2010 09:15 AM PDT |By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer When government forms inquire of her marital status, Isabelle Barker sometimes resorts to an asterisk and ...

    - 2011/06/13 - 7:43pm - 4 comments

  8. For all the BC girls.

    Well, today is the 9th of May and Sunday at that. More importantly today is Mothers day. I don't know who celebrates this and who doesn't and I don't want to offend anyone. There's a lot of really great gals out here who deserve the mo ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am

  9. Question for those that have read my stories (penname Alexis)

    I'm contemplating writing something off the wall and different than what usually gets posted. If you see my stories April and June, or The Conversation you might have an idea when I say off the wall what I mean. I haven't written anything in qui ...

    - 2012/01/02 - 9:38pm - 5 comments

  10. Looking for a Story

    I think the story is posted on Fictionmania (I've been looking for it unsuccessfully over there anyway). The synopsis as I recall it: ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:36pm - 3 comments

  11. major event in tallahassee, fl

    Last night in Tallahassee, FL they passed a new human rights ordinance that protects against discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation. Employers can no longer hire or fire someone based on their sexual or gender orientation. Businesses must n ...

    - 2012/07/15 - 5:20pm - 7 comments

  12. Rewriting- Thoughts?

    Hey all, I haven't posted a serious, personal blog in awhile for pouring all my energy into working on Becoming Robin Spoiler warning: If you haven't read chapter 13 yet I'm going to be touching on plot elements ahead. Feel free to skip to ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 14 comments

  13. Virtual Reality TG

    Author:  Blogger wyrm's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Article in today's Guardian ...

    - 2011/06/29 - 8:57am - 2 comments

  14. Virtual skirt and legs turn men into girls

    This experiment seems like it could be mucho helpful to a lot of people. Here's hoping the technology gets available soon. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:36pm

  15. There's a Good Tradition

    Sadly, children are being targeted again. Tanita Tikaram- Good Tradition ...

    - 2014/02/09 - 5:00pm - 2 comments

  16. I need some help.

    I need some help with how to write a story on here. I keep seeing stuff that just confuses me. I write in MS word if that helps. I have no clue how to copy or paste stuff, and I just want to write a story on here. Can I just write a story in the body sect ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am - 6 comments

  17. I'm seeking info.

    Does anybody know any of the gay and transgendered policies of the Canadian armed forces? I'm going to try to work it into a story I'm going to write soon but I kind of want to get it at least mostly right. ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am - 1 comment

  18. Tour of California in Progress- TV Coverage Info

    The Tour of California started today with the first stage being won by Mark Cavendish. VS. (Versus) is again providing daily stage coverage. The TV times (and race information) are here: There's ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:36pm - 10 comments

  19. For Those Who Keep Track

    Victoria Kolakowski, an Administrative Law Judge, is running for Alameda County Superior Court Judge Office #9 in California and has an excellent record on LBGT issues, as well she might. Puddin' ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:36pm - 3 comments

  20. 200th Anniversary

    On the 21st of May 1810 Charles-Genevieve Louis-Auguste-Andre-Timothee Deon de Beaumont died in London at the age of eighty-three. Much has been written about the Chevalier d’Eon since that day. For anyone still unaware of this famous historical figure, p ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 2 comments
