
Search results

  1. Taking the first step

    Last night after I posted my previous entry, I curled up in bed and watched Top Gun. It helped a little, but there was this nagging feeling that I just was not doing enough. I honestly cannot remember right now if I mentioned this in my blog, in a respons ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 4 comments

  2. I know I said I wasn't going to, but... I'm sorry. I need to vent again

    I want to just curl up and cry right now. I'm sorry. I know I said I wasn't going to post another blog so soon, but I need this. God, I need this. Coming back to the top here to say, I changed the rating because of language. I don't regret ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:10am - 15 comments

  3. One way to get published.

    For all the writers on this site who want to get their books published and sold to the public, take heart. The article in today’s Sunday Times shows one mans unorthodox approach to selling his books. As Rupert Murdoch will shortly be charging for this new ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 1 comment

  4. Transsexual considering return to politics

    Georgina Beyer, a former Mayor and Member of Parliament is considering a return to local body politics. Beyer has eye on mayoralty Beyer considers Masterton mayoralty bid Georgina Beyer (Wikipedia) I predict that if she stands, she will be successful in t ...

    - 2011/04/28 - 3:42pm

  5. Writers Block- Get A Round Tuit

    At long last we have a sufficient quantity of these so that each person may have one of his own. Guard it with your life. These TUITs have been hard to come by, especially the round ones. This is an indispensible item. It will help you to become a much mo ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 5 comments

  6. 3rd Grade Cross Dressing Fashion Show

    N.J. Elementary School Cancels 'Cross-Dressing' Fashion Show A school superintendent in New Jersey says a "misunderstanding" led an elementary school teacher to mandate th ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 1 comment

  7. "Reflection"- These lyrics really hit home

    Normally I don't do this, but I felt so moved that I just had to pass this along. I don't know how familiar you all are with the hit Disney movie, "Mulan", but it's been one of my favorites ever since it first released. It's ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:11am - 5 comments

  8. Did i imagine it?

    When I logged in earlier today I'm sure I saw a new story by Nancy Cole. Like the favourite morsels on my dinner plate I elected to save it for later while I took care of other internet 'duties'. Now it's gone! What a disappointment. I ...

    - 2011/05/31 - 9:48am - 4 comments

  9. Thong Thief Thwarted

    It seems that those with an interest in women's apparel will sometimes go to great lengths to obtain them. Cops: MSU thong thief caught with 79 pairs of pilfered panties Charges possible for g-string thief ...

    - 2011/04/28 - 3:42pm

  10. Massachusetts Transgender Inmate

    Massachusetts corrections officials, already under fire for a transgender inmate's taxpayer funded hormone treatments, now face criticism for providing the former Robert Kosilek with a mammogram. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 1 comment

  11. Random Thoughts, Expressed

    Author:  Blogger Zoe Taylor's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Rambling Thoughts It's been an interesting week, but mostly quiet. I do have a few things I felt like getting out of my system though. ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 2 comments

  12. Anyone lost a Wallaby, in Doreset, England

    Just read a story on the BBC website, about a lost Wallaby, in Dorset, England. That is a long way from their natural home, though actually there are some to be found out in the wilds of Derbyshire. Wo ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:05am - 3 comments

  13. Paragraphs

    Author:  Blogger Puddintane's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Typography Paragraphs Paragraphs in English are interesting things, because they aren’t really anything at all. That’s not the way they started out, of course, as we c ...

    - 2014/02/09 - 2:52pm - 15 comments

  14. Facebook Group to Prove Breasts Don't Cause Earthquakes

    I think someone has made a boob with this news article! +++++++++++++++++ A one-woman mission to prove breasts don't cause earthquakes has swollen into a shirt-straining global movement. Prepare yourself for Monday, the inaugural "Boobquake.&quo ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 7 comments

  15. FINISHED!... The first draft, anyway.

    Author:  Blogger Zoe Taylor's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Writing Twenty-three chapters. Twenty-three bloody chapters. Most of them are 6-8 pages in MS Word a piece. ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:07am - 1 comment

  16. Girl With Rare Condition Gets OK to Have Testicles Removed

    Author:  Blogger LynKat's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) An Australian family court has given the OK for a 14-year-old girl – born with a rare genotype – to have surgery to remove two testicles.,2933,5915 ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:37pm - 5 comments

  17. Stuff I need to talk about.

    I'm starting this because I'm a bit upset over all things an online journal. It wasn't even mine. No there was this public post that led to this really well written opinion about how she perceived men. I actually felt under attack by it. No ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am - 12 comments

  18. Transgender Rights Debate in Massachusetts

    A Transgender Rights Bill is currently being debated in Massachusetts. The Republican Govenatorial candidate has said that as govenor he would veto the bill despite the fact that his running mate is a co-sponsor of the bill. ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:28pm - 1 comment

  19. Just an update for the day.

    Hello everyone, today's been a decent day compared to my horrible drama-wh... likeness of yesterday. It's my day off and after sleeping in then a cup of tea I had to do my weekly ritual of heavy housework. I wanted to cook something today but be ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am - 2 comments

  20. Odd mood good day...

    I just had to get out of my house today. I was bored so I grabbed my palm top and headed out. The Mount Allison kids are leaving the final exams are done. There these piles of junk out at the end of driveways and by dumpsters as the kids waste so much by ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:33am
