
Search results

  1. Dancing confidence research

    Author:  Blogger mittfh's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Questionable Taste Dodgy Science A slightly bizzare bit of research carried out by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration with Radio 4's Today programme has ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:19pm - 3 comments

  2. Feeling left out

    I am feeling really left out lately. You see most of my friends are from the transgendered community or the geek community, and lately I feel left out in most situations. With my friends from the geek community I feel OK, they seem to accept me and while ...

    - 2012/05/08 - 3:59pm - 10 comments

  3. What happened to literacy?

    This morning driving to work I was listening to the local community college's radio station. At the top of the hour, Headline News from NPR came on. Something was said about the economy, and someone's sound bite was played. He was talking about ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:19pm - 44 comments

  4. F1 CD Bet

    Lotus vs. Virgin Racing Tony Fernandes vs. Richard Branson F1 bosses in cross-dressing bet And of course, The Sun has a picture of what Branson might look like should he lose the bet. In the silly season, there's obviously a shortage of ‘real’ news. ...

    - 2011/04/28 - 3:43pm - 5 comments

  5. Glad tidings to all and to ALL a very Merry Christmas

    Well a first time for everything, right? Not a lot to get off my bra-covered boobies. A quick note, I enjoy this site. With that short sentence, I will also wish ye all a Merry Christmas. Grace unto ye all. Anjali ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:19pm

  6. A Merry Christmas wish to all.

    I want to send to each and everyone of our fabulous authors and to all the readers, such as I, a wish for everyone to have a marvelous and very Merry Christmas, followed by a Happy New Year. For all of those who may not celebrate Christmas, but do have th ...

    - 2011/09/16 - 11:56am - 1 comment

  7. Who's Moving to Mexico City? Same Sex Marriage with Ability to Adopt also!

    Just got this off the News Wire: Mexico City assembly legalizes same-sex marriage Mexico City lawmakers on Monday made the city the first in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage, a change that will give homosexual couples more rights, including all ...

    - 2011/06/13 - 7:43pm - 2 comments

  8. Christmas Greetings

    Author:  Blogger mittfh's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) OK, so I'm a traditionalist and like sending physical, paper cards. Obviously that's a bit difficult with an online community like BCTS, so I've done the ne ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:19pm

  9. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year

    From My family to all of the Authors and Editors on BCTS, my family extends warm wishes during this holiday season. The season is blessed season to celebrats family and the joy we all have with family and remembering our LOrd Jesus Chirst whom graced us w ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:19pm - 2 comments

  10. Season for Unusual Events in Unbelievable Places

    One of the more unusual places for something like this to come up: Pakistan. Or maybe not. Wikipedia article is sympathetic,, but BBC seems somewhat less so: ...

    - 2011/09/13 - 12:52pm

  11. Happy Holidays

    So Happy holidays to every one and I truly hope you will have a great time with your family and friends. I guess the nicest thing about holidays is the ability to spend time with people you love, so do it (and the vacation from work/school certainly help; ...

    - 2012/05/08 - 3:59pm

  12. Xmas: It's a wrap!

    Imagine arriving home to find that all your possessions have been gift wrapped! The following link includes a YouTube video: Chicago man's friends gift-wrap everything he owns And even better: The Recipient's Reaction Prank Surprise ...

    - 2011/04/28 - 3:43pm

  13. Post-Christmas reading

    Author:  Blogger mittfh's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Before I get going, I really did enjoy having a few days away over the Christmas period with Mum and Bessie (her yellow labrador). However, on arriving back, I discovered ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 3 comments

  14. Happy New Year!

    I congratulate all of you happy New Year!!! Authors and readers and site administration! This year was uneasy for all of us. Let in new year at all of us will be less problems, a grief and losses. Let will be more than the joyful smiles, more than happy m ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 1 comment

  15. Looking for a story

    I've been searching for a story nad have not had much luck. I don't remember the title or character names. THe gist of the story is that a young man in his teens or early 20's was magically put into the body of a girl the same age. His body ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 3 comments

  16. Help!

    Yesterday I was reading a story from the Random 5olos list and had to leave before I was finished. My brain has vapor locked and I cannot remember the story title nor the author. It was about a 13 year old withdrawn boy who goes to stay with his aunt in C ...

    - 2011/10/29 - 7:32pm - 2 comments

  17. mechanics of skirts

    Author:  Blogger thea's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I wondering about the mechanics of wearing a long ankle length skirt during the winter? Besides thinking I'm just crazy as its 16 out today with a wind chill of-5. Any ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 14 comments

  18. Tanya Allan- Is she OK?

    I am a HUGE fan of Tanya Allan. She had some health issues a couple of months ago and I was under the impression that she was on the mend. That being said, she has not posted on this site or her own in almost two months. Is she OK? Does anyone have any in ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 7 comments

  19. Next mile stone completed

    Hi all, Just wanted to update my internet family (that is you all in case you are not paying attention) on my transition. I have just completed my second to last milestone (or back out option) and got my breasts augmented. As is typical for transgendered, ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm - 4 comments

  20. Not just a commentor any more

    Hi everybody. I have been reading BigCloset TopShelf for awhile, and occasionally commenting on some of the stories for a shorter while. So I decided to tell anybody that is interested about this silly person that is me. First, to avoid just repeating stu ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:20pm
