
Search results

  1. Another Sex Dispute, but This Athlete Has Four Legs

    I thought someone might be interested in this article about a non-human intersexed athlete: I wonder if most species of mammals have about the same incidence of intersex conditions? Kris ...

    - 2009/09/19 - 2:04pm - 2 comments

  2. A funny

    My apologies in advance for posting this here, but it was too good to pass up. I usually only send to a select few but..... It's all how you look at it! For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced ou ...

    - 2009/09/20 - 12:57pm - 5 comments

  3. Please Pray for me

    If there is anyone... ...

    - 2009/09/22 - 12:57am - 3 comments

  4. The only woman in the French Foreign Legion

    There's a fascinating article on the BBC website about Susan Travers- the only woman to have served in the French Foreign Legion. She certainly lead an amazing life. Her greatest regret, she said, was n ...

    - 2009/09/24 - 11:40am - 2 comments

  5. Arachnophobes beware!

    Arachnophobes beware! Apparently there are going to be a lot of our 8 legged friends around this autumn (well, in the UK at least)! Conservationists say there could be more spiders and daddy longlegs than usual this autumn because of favourable breeding c ...

    - 2009/09/25 - 2:56pm - 25 comments

  6. The lowdown on high heels

    “From broken ankles to muscle strains, high heels have a lot to answer for.” Putting the foot down on heel height “I think it's a woman's choice but, as a doctor, I'd love the size of the heels to go down.” Podiatrists Smile ...

    - 2009/10/14 - 2:54am - 4 comments

  7. Fired Transgendered teacher fighting back!

    A teacher who is transitioning F to M was fired by a school board because "his gender change from woman to man is not aligned with the teachings of the Catholic church or its values." And he's fighting back, using Alberta's human right ...

    - 2009/10/03 - 4:14pm - 10 comments

  8. What hppened to Brandy DeWinter?

    Hi all, I sent Brandy an email and it was returned with the infamous "person does not exist" response. So... does anyone know where Brandy DeWinter is now? I would love to send her an email. Kendra I get the following error when I send my email ...

    - 2009/10/03 - 1:23pm - 8 comments

  9. Be careful who you attack in Wales.

    Author:  Blogger Deejah's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A drunken thug, in Swansea, got a nasty surprise when he attacked a guy in a dress one night. ...

    - 2009/10/08 - 9:03am - 4 comments

  10. Mantyhose?

    It’s a trend the makers of 1993 spoof movie Robin Hood: Men in Tights, obviously didn’t envisage, but the market for men’s hosiery has reportedly taken off in recent years. Last month UK department store Selfridges responded to the demand and began stocki ...

    - 2009/10/14 - 2:55am - 9 comments

  11. A computer question

    Because there are so many professional computer people here, along with a lot of talented amateurs, I thought I would ask this here. ...

    - 2009/10/07 - 9:47pm - 12 comments

  12. (US) House Votes to Expand Definition of Hate Crimes

    From today's New York Times: This is step towards expanding "the definition of violent federal hate crimes to those committed because of a victim’s sexual orientation, a step that would e ...

    - 2009/10/08 - 8:39pm - 2 comments

  13. How did I get into this?

    This blog entry contains several questions. I'd be pleased if any other readers or authors here were able to respond. Have you ever stumbled across an author's work, and thought to yourself "this is really good, I'm going to read any m ...

    - 2009/10/14 - 2:56am - 5 comments

  14. The Poem ' From Mrs Tiresias '

    Author:  Blogger Anne Galliver's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) On Thursday evening, I was able to go with a friend and her daughter to see Carol Ann Duffy, the Poet Laureate give a reading on National Poetry Day. It was held at ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 9:59am - 1 comment

  15. I Don't Comment

    I don't know if this is the right formun(?). I don't blog, I don't understand it. I have been reading this site for about +1 years. About the time when Fictionmania and Shaphire(?) went into a black hole. Thank GOD for Big Closet!!! I reall ...

    - 2009/10/10 - 6:56pm - 3 comments

  16. Thank you, Thank you for the sisterhood we have here.

    As another week ends, and I continue to grow, struggling with life, but keeping my head held high, I am drawn to reflect about our community and the support we share with one another. I am grateful for all those who have helped me get to this point. I hav ...

    - 2009/10/11 - 6:34pm - 1 comment

  17. UK television alert.

    Next Monday (19th Oct.) the British television station Channel4 will be showing a documentary entitled 'Age 8 and Wanting a Sex Change'. Here is a link to the details on their website. ...

    - 2009/10/12 - 12:49pm - 3 comments

  18. DIY Corsetry

    Foundations Revealed™ is a subscription website. Members have access to a huge wealth of corsetmaking and historically-themed sewing resources written by some very knowledgeable and skilled people. There are also free articles. ...

    - 2009/10/15 - 5:12pm - 2 comments

  19. 2LoveMyLips

    “A lipgloss that doubles as an anti-rape device has gone on sale to protect women from drink-spiking.” The lipgloss comes with a spike detector It tests for GHB and ketamine 2LoveMyLips detects drugs The anti-rape lipgloss that helps protect women from dr ...

    - 2009/10/18 - 7:00pm - 2 comments

  20. The Shimmer Ring

    Author:  Blogger stacy's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Has anyone ever heard of this story? It was about a kid that crashed his bike in the woods and found an old Celtic ring that was slowly turning him into a girl. It has vani ...

    - 2009/10/18 - 8:09pm - 3 comments
