
Search results

  1. She handled her son's transistion PERFECTLY

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog I could NOT do a hundredth of the research coming my way without the help of so many eyes out there catching the items not making main stream news. Once again I thank phydeau for her support. Please understand transg ...

    - 2017/04/06 - 3:16pm - 4 comments

  2. Site Feature Concept for Authors Who Want Help and Readers Who Want to Help

    Author:  Blogger Sara Selvig's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites While reading I often encounter errors. Does the Author want to know? Has someone else already reacted? I want to help, but maybe the author doesn't want ...

    - 2017/04/06 - 3:16pm - 20 comments

  3. Angharad's Computer

    Author:  Blogger AnneGalliver's blog Hello All Angharad has asked me to let you know that she had computer problems last night. Hopefully, she will be back online in a day or so. I am certain she will be back blogging and writing 'Bike' as ...

    - 2017/04/06 - 3:16pm - 3 comments

  4. Wednesday- its Gaby Day- again!

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Yes there is a new chapter, House Ridden, available here at BC today! In other news- ...

    - 2017/04/09 - 11:22am

  5. air-force-sweetheart

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Complete or not? It is up to the reader as the end of the story got a little sketchy. The author was moving the tale around too much and losing continuity as if she had lost interest and was in a hurry to be done wit ...

    - 2017/04/09 - 11:22am - 5 comments

  6. "I like your glasses."

    Author:  Blogger Patricia Marie Allen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Some time ago, I posted a blog about my feminine glasses. ...

    - 2017/04/09 - 11:22am - 1 comment

  7. Hello, and Graphic design and such!

    Author:  Blogger Nyka Dear's blog Hello <3 I'm Nyka, I'm a 25 year old trans woman and I also happen to be a graphic designer. When I first found this page it was because my friend Melanie introduced me to this place. (https://bigclosetr ...

    - 2017/04/09 - 11:22am - 2 comments

  8. Where do story postings go?

    Sammi's blog Author:  Blogger Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Dissapearing Story Postings I am left wondering where Jessie's latest story is Dreams of Dancing in the Sky-Part 1 Submitted by wolfjess7 on ...

    - 2017/04/07 - 7:01am - 1 comment

  9. Anime gender body swap movie

    Author:  Blogger Donna T's blog “YOUR NAME” the movie- Mitsuha begins switching (genders) bodies with Taki, a teen-age boy at a Tokyo high school. “Make me a handsome Tokyo boy in my next life!” I'm not a fan of anime movies or cartoons but many ...

    - 2017/04/12 - 5:11pm - 1 comment

  10. General PSA to all readers (it's brief, I promise).

    Author:  Blogger Beoca's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing To all readers, Remember to hit the "Kudos" button. You know, the one that's shaped like Facebook's "Like" button and which serves a very sim ...

    - 2017/04/12 - 5:11pm - 5 comments

  11. Gaby news

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing It looks like Spring has sprung outside, I'm down to one coat indoors- lol. Anyway- the next Gaby chapter is available now! The other top news is that I'm a ...

    - 2017/04/11 - 11:00am

  12. Bits and pieces of trans and other things.

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog From Best Man to Puzzled Woman Girl actions and speak is completely different from boy speak and actions It's a lonely world out there searching fo ...

    - 2017/04/12 - 5:11pm - 5 comments

  13. confirmation

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Just wanted to confirm that Gaby- Girl's on Fire part 4 will be available from the usual sources tomorrow, that's Wednesday 12th of April. The 300 plus page ...

    - 2017/04/12 - 10:32am - 2 comments

  14. Gaby Book 19 part 4

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing So we'll start with todays chapter, click here to read chapter 37, Bridal Party As promised, the fourth part of the latest book- Girl's on Fire is now out! ...

    - 2017/04/14 - 1:18pm - 1 comment

  15. Happy Easter!

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Yes indeed, it's Good Friday, start of the longest weekend of the year. I've been working like billy O to get Girl's on Fire finished for you and i ...

    - 2017/04/17 - 4:55pm - 6 comments

  16. Somebody is being nasty on Facebook

    Author:  Blogger richardh9's blog Someone is using Katy Leones name on FB asking to be friends. It's not funny when so many of us were friends with her and it really hits the love of us that knew her stories. I hope whomever is doing this gets t ...

    - 2017/04/17 - 4:55pm - 6 comments

  17. The Legend of Georgia McBride play

    Author:  Blogger Donna T's blog Blog About:  Movies / Television / Theater This play seems to be very topical AND good. In SoCal now it may be coming to your area. Stay alert. "But how can a straight dude explain to his wife that the cash he’s h ...

    - 2017/04/17 - 4:55pm - 1 comment

  18. Details of actors-actresses in Whateley Universe

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog For fun, isn't that what writing is all about? Unless we are trying to change the world. I started a Whateley Fan story. I bogged down when I realized I had no idea who all the main actors-actresses in the story ...

    - 2017/04/17 - 4:55pm - 6 comments

  19. Change of Heart~Passion of the Soul

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Thanks to Cathy for her hours and days of reformatting Change of Heart back into something readable. She has to be a trooper. For all of you who commented. For all those who gave me a heads up on where the story line ...

    - 2017/04/21 - 4:55pm

  20. Another Celebration

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Yes, its time for Gaby to be part of Analise' Polterabend do- click on the link to catch up with the high jinx! As promised, here are actual links to the latest ...

    - 2017/04/21 - 4:55pm
