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  1. Maine legislature rejects bathroom bill

    UPDATE: 11:29 AM ET: The Maine Senate has just joined the House in rejecting a bill that would have repealed protections for transgender people under the Maine Human Rights Act. LD 1096 would have allowed restaurants and schools to adopt their own policie ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:18pm - 5 comments

  2. Sad, Sick, or just plain Stupid?

    I just shook my head when I read today's newspaper. The original story contained some terms used in an objectionable manner. Since then it's been cleaned up a bit, and most versions now make it plain he isn't transgendered. But read it for ...

    - 2011/06/13 - 5:34pm - 2 comments

  3. Adding Pictures to Your Stories

    Adding Pictures to Your Stories ...

    - 2014/02/09 - 3:59pm - 17 comments

  4. Free Wig Offer

    Author:  Blogger Dayna's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) short Wigs DARK free average size brown Hi. I received a free wig from a person who posted here. It doesn't fit my giant mellon of a head. I am regifting it to anyone ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:11pm - 2 comments

  5. Cathyland the tour

    Author:  Blogger Anne Galliver's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A few days ago, I sent a word document to a friend to give her a smile and perhaps think about a tour of Portsmouth, where I live. As all you merry band of follower ...

    - 2011/06/15 - 1:08pm - 9 comments

  6. Assistance for writers

    I got this in a regular email I get from the Women On the Web website: * * * * * * * * * * * * Book Country "For anybody with a half-completed romance novel on her computer, the idea of sharing it with the world might seem int ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:11pm - 6 comments

  7. Princess and the Frog

    Fairy Tale Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle. ...

    - 2011/06/17 - 10:45pm - 7 comments

  8. Life Imitating Art?

    For those who are fans of Karen Page's 'A Different Plane of Existence' this article from the Guardian seems like Life Imitating Art. Wonder if the next step will be the premise of Karen's story? Hugs, Sarah Ann ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:12pm - 1 comment

  9. Changes part 4- the final bit!

    Well, its ahead of schedule but the final parts of Changes will be with my editor today so i hope to have part 4 available on Lulu in the next few hours! Links etc will follow shortly Mads ...

    - 2011/06/15 - 1:10pm - 2 comments

  10. It gets better advert

    It Gets Better I just watched this advert for Google Chrome UK. I thought it would be worth sharing. Here’s the link Love Anne G. ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 12:59am - 8 comments

  11. Changes part 4- links

    Here is the link! I'm still having trouble with lulu's upload interface, my files and embedding fonts in pdf's s ...

    - 2011/06/19 - 10:03am - 1 comment

  12. A 15 Yr Old Suspended

    I Think this School District could have problems with this being what state this happen in! Richard PORT ORCHARD, Wash. – A 15-year-old boy has been suspended from school after wearing high heels and a dress to school as a part of a challenge laid down by ...

    - 2011/09/21 - 2:26pm - 8 comments

  13. Radio 4 programme

    For those who are able to listen to BBC Radio 4. Starting on Monday 20th June in woman’s hour drama is Annabel by Kathleen Winter. Here’s the link to Radio4 It’s a story about an intersex child growing up in Canada ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 12:59am - 3 comments

  14. Changes

    Hi Peeps I finally had time today to find out what the problem with my conversion software was and hopefully on Wednesday not only will i have some more fanfics posted but I will resume getting all the print stuff into ebook format. So check out my websit ...

    - 2011/06/22 - 9:42am - 4 comments

  15. Life Is A Soap Opera

    Life is just like a soap opera only we our living it each day (see Gwen Brown's blog)as you can tell by being a reader of the general blog each day(see Dorothycolleen's blog)I have had my share this past year starting with my friend BILL'S ...

    - 2011/06/22 - 2:31pm - 3 comments

  16. New stuff at

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Yet more from the Gabyverse! Hi folks just a heads up- if you go to my site you can find some new and updated fanfic stuff this week as well as all the latest news. tt ...

    - 2011/06/22 - 9:42am - 1 comment

  17. Nena Ebooks and more

    Hi As promised i've now converted the Nena series into ebooks on Lulu http ...

    - 2011/06/26 - 1:17pm - 2 comments


    Our son passed his 4th and final part of his testing for CPA this is a 4 part test that needs to be completed in 18 months or you need to start all over again. (he had 10 days left till the deadline)I can not ell you how PROUD we are of him LOVE YOU ALL R ...

    - 2011/08/01 - 7:03pm - 1 comment

  19. First Blog and Hello All!

    Hello people of topshelf, I have finally started to do something other than lurk and post the odd comment, though I've only been here for about a month anyway. So I'll start by telling you how I found topshelf; It's actually quite a long st ...

    - 2011/07/27 - 10:32pm - 10 comments

  20. Gaby Tales

    Hi peeps Over the last few years Angharad and I have written a number of pretty much standalone Gabysodes for various competitions and events. Some of these have been widely seen on the internet, others have only limited distribution. I thought it would b ...

    - 2011/06/29 - 10:56am - 7 comments
