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  1. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 189

    'N Esmwyth Fel Yn Adfeilio Off Beic. Gan: Angharad. Pennod: 189. Simon had showered and gone before I really came to. I didn't sleep that well and woke worying about Stella, Stevie and my own forthcoming ordeal. I was and wasn't scared of g ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 17 comments

  2. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 190

    I was in the kitchen making some tea, I badly needed a cup of its life giving waters. I took us out a tray of tea. We sat in the lounge, Tom and Stella jabbering away and me trying to calm down after the afternoon's trauma. I closed my eyes and what ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 8 comments

  3. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 191

    We walked up to the front door and Tom pushed the bell button, a ding dong chime sounded in the hallway behind the door, I felt quite sick. I kept thinking, the police have to do this sort of thing quite regularly- which probably explains why they're ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 10 comments

  4. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 192

    "No, I'm an ordinary woman who came to womanhood by a more tortuous path than you, but my world is as boring and mundane as yours. I'm not into any secret worlds except that of The Mammal Society and Portsmouth university cycling club." ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 14 comments

  5. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 193

    "I thought you were going to cook us all dinner before you went." There were times when I could cheerfully thump Simon, this was one such. "No way, I have to save my energy for Des." I smirked back at him, the look on his face was prob ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 39 comments

  6. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 194

    We chatted some more, he told me stories about when he was at school with Simon and Stella, she was a bit later and they didn't have much contact, but she nearly got herself expelled when she was found out to have put glue in the gymshoes of her PE t ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:48am - 9 comments

  7. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 195

    Without looking back, I was squirting WD40 down inside my cable covers, I said, "Hi Des." I continued bent over my bike. "The view from here is terrific." "Ha bloody ha. Does my bum look big in this then?" I jibed back, still ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:47am - 9 comments

  8. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 196

    "You're a very nice lady, Lady Catherine. It suits you like the expensive clothes you wear." "I bought this lot in Marks & Sparks*," I said indicating the jeans and top under the coat. "I'm just an ordinary girl at h ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:47am - 8 comments

  9. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 197

    He'd said he was okay with it, knowing that I was off the hormones and also that it wasn't stuck out the way. I could have quite happily cut it off there and then and had done with it. It had never been any use to me, I couldn't even win pe ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:50am - 10 comments

  10. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 198

    I don't know how long I staggered around the field, the rain still sheeting down, I was soaked right through and very cold as the icy wind whipped around me. Eventually I found the gate and got through it. I was shivering violently. ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:50am - 20 comments

  11. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 200

    I didn't want to, I needed some peace and quiet and here was another Cameron telling me what to do. "Erm, Henry, can we leave it a few days?" "Of course you can, but indulge me and tell me there's no one else." I felt quite w ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:50am - 24 comments

  12. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 201

    "Gosh Stella, maybe you should be reading this, not me." I said in true humility. "Letter to the Corinthians 13:1," I had to learn the frigging thing by heart because I threw a tampon at Maisie Plummer." "You what?" I ga ...

    - 2017/01/06 - 6:09am - 11 comments

  13. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 202

    A spokesperson of the local NHS trust, said,"This is the first I've heard of this case and I can categorically assure people in this area that those patients who are diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, receive the treatment concommmitant wi ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 11:50am - 29 comments

  14. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 203

    I had barely sent it when it rang. It was Simon, hardly a surprise. "Hello Babe," "I didn't think I was your babe anymore." "Oh," I could hear the pain in his voice. "Oh okay, can I take you out to dinner tonight?&q ...

    - 2008/02/10 - 5:38pm - 19 comments

  15. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 204

    “I’m not some lovesick teenager, I’m a mature woman,” I said waiting for the riposte. It wasn’t long in coming. “So mature women go around assaulting complete strangers with bowls of trifle?” ...

    - 2012/12/09 - 10:51am - 13 comments

  16. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 205

    Angharad Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transitioning College / Twenties Romantic Estrogen / Hormones Dormouse / Dormice / Dormeece Posted by author(s) "Do we want to set any ground rules for this?" I asked. "Wow, like what?" "Tha ...

    - 2008/02/13 - 7:21pm - 16 comments

  17. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 206

    "Yes, but not in a childish way, more an undeveloped shyness, which you have turned into a vibrant and confident, young woman. I am delighted to see it happen." "You were the midwife," I suggested. Easy As Falling Off A Bike by Anghara ...

    - 2008/02/13 - 10:03pm - 10 comments

  18. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 207

    This was a little worrying. I ran upstairs calling Stella and Tom, but there was no response. I looked in the bedrooms, they weren't there either. Thinking, 'disappeared' = mafia, I rushed downstairs like a whirlwind, nearly falling in the ...

    - 2008/02/14 - 4:00pm - 16 comments

  19. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 209

    "Aaaarrgh!" "Stella, those were my ear drums you just shattered." "This isn't the way to Tom's, this is the hos.... I am not going into a hospital." ...

    - 2012/12/09 - 11:54am - 18 comments

  20. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 210

    Angharad Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transitioning College / Twenties Romantic Estrogen / Hormones pork in white wine and cream sauce kisses. Dormouse / Dormice / Dormeece Posted by author(s) "And you took out someone she failed with?" Tom lo ...

    - 2008/02/17 - 8:37pm - 8 comments
