
Search results

  1. Word Drop

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Okay so yesterday, I was shopping with Sharon, and I decided to pick up a bottle of distilled water for my CPAP machine, but when I went to ask a worker at the store, the wo ...

    - 2022/04/18 - 12:10pm - 15 comments

  2. Oh to be a red-kite... maybe not

    Author:  Catrina Lochley Half-Elvish's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Pets / Animals I walk every day, and living where I do that means seeing lots of Red Kites ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:10pm - 9 comments

  3. Homeward bound

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing News Item Autobiographical or at least i will be on the morrow! ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:10pm

  4. was I always broken?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical in the second episode of "Moon Knight" the bad guy asks the hero if he was broken before he was chosen, or did being chosen break him. I sometimes wonder the same ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:10pm - 7 comments

  5. Came across this

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical old photo while I was looking for a book. I'd forgotten it was there, and taken probably about 1988, so I'd have been 35 ish and without grey hair or wrinkles and rather too ma ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:11pm - 14 comments

  6. Wednesday from GOC

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  News Item Autobiographical Well good morning from Gods Own, it’s a fairly bright start and we’re expecting some sunshine later. It’s been an interesting week so far, flashing past oh so quickly! ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:11pm

  7. Frohes Ostertag!

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing News Item Autobiographical even if you aren't Christian religous everyone likes Easter right? ...

    - 2022/04/20 - 8:30am - 6 comments

  8. feeling bad after a dream

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so last night I dreamed I had to protect this house from magical assault, and after driving off several enemies, the last attack seemed to sap the will of the people living ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 5:56pm - 1 comment

  9. I never get rescued in my dreams

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I was talking to my therapist about my dreams, and she asked me an interesting question. Many of my dreams feature me trying to protect others, or rescue others, and she won ...

    - 2022/04/22 - 10:41pm - 3 comments

  10. April 19th, 1995

    Author:  Karen J. Taylor Karen J's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  White Supremacist On this day, April 19th, 1995, at 9:02 AM, white supremacist Timothy McVeigh destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma ...

    - 2022/04/22 - 10:41pm - 3 comments

  11. Sissy? As IF!

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm rather tender on either side of my nether lips, and ointment for that is of limited effectiveness. I was looking for some loose legged underwear in satin perhaps. The catalo ...

    - 2022/04/22 - 10:41pm - 4 comments

  12. my mom has had a rough couple of days

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so my mom just had a rough couple of days. on Sunday, her portable closet broke, she spilled part of breakfast, and she discovered her tomatoes had gone bad. Yesterday she g ...

    - 2022/04/27 - 5:56am - 5 comments

  13. I spend

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing News Item Autobiographical an inordinate amount of time staring into nothingness ...

    - 2022/04/27 - 5:56am

  14. Sunny Sunday revisited

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing News Item Autobiographical Sunny but the stiff breeze is preventing it being properly warm! ...

    - 2022/04/27 - 5:57am - 1 comment

  15. What a month or four!

    Author:  Rose Rose's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Autobiographical Pets / Animals Well! I've said some things about what's been happening, but it's been moving so quickly I'm really not sure of it all myse ...

    - 2022/04/27 - 5:57am - 2 comments

  16. meltdown at the car wash

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I had a meltdown of sorts about 20 minutes ago. we were going to put the car through a wash, and while trying to reach the buttons to put in our code, I knocked off my glass ...

    - 2022/04/27 - 5:57am - 2 comments

  17. Psychatric Wards

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Just finishing up another of Sarah Lynn Morgan's classics "Boy's School". Those of you who know me well, are aware that after my unwanted Divorce (The situation w ...

    - 2022/05/02 - 1:33pm - 1 comment

  18. Midweek Mixer

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing News Item Autobiographical Otherwise known as what Maddy Did ...

    - 2022/05/02 - 1:33pm

  19. which came first?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so I made a serious mistake. I have been watchin g "Moon Knight", and the main character has disassociation to the point he has a second personality. Well, today t ...

    - 2022/05/02 - 1:33pm - 4 comments

  20. No chapters this week.

    Author:  Amethyst Amethyst's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  Autobiographical Hey everyone, ...

    - 2022/05/02 - 1:33pm - 4 comments
