
Search results

  1. Another disappointment.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I have always been a fan of Richard Dawkins for his no-nonsense attitude to myths and superstition, science works on evidence not 'imaginary friends'. It appears he feels the same abo ...

    - 2021/04/24 - 9:00pm - 5 comments

  2. Interesting article about remembering consequences of biological sex.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item The following link is to an article about someone's brother who was a transman and who died of ovarian cancer. The fact that the person interviewed is the deputy speaker of the House of Lo ...

    - 2021/08/03 - 7:36am - 2 comments

  3. FM appears to be down

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I'm getting a 503 message, so I don't know if it's having some maintenance or just gone phut. ...

    - 2021/08/09 - 11:47am - 13 comments

  4. Non-binary grave discovered in Finland from c 1000 AD.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item A link to a Guardian story about someone they suspect was Klinefelters who was buried with grave goods of male and female, demonstrating they were respected by the community. My own thoughts as ...

    - 2021/08/14 - 10:15am - 4 comments

  5. Interesting opinion piece

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item Here's a link to a thoughtful and sensible piece from Zoe Williams in the Guardian (where else?). ...

    - 2021/10/22 - 2:13pm - 7 comments

  6. Concerning the history of transgender people in the UK

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item This fascinating article appeared in today's i newspaper and it concerns the history of transgender people and how the law treated them. Very few knew of a court case from 1968 which was h ...

    - 2021/11/20 - 12:34am - 9 comments

  7. Anne Galliver 4.11.53- 18.12.21

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my dear friend Anne, who I shall miss enormously. ...

    - 2021/12/25 - 7:40pm - 10 comments

  8. Switzerland to allow change of gender at registry offices

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I saw a mention of this story in the i newspaper put was unable to find a link to it, I have, however, found another link see below. ...

    - 2021/12/28 - 2:59am - 6 comments

  9. Advice to Judges in England and Wales

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item An article from the Guardian reporting that the 'equal treatment benchbook,' published by the Judicial College suggests more protection for trans people when in court including preven ...

    - 2021/12/29 - 10:50pm - 2 comments

  10. April Ashley has died

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item The second British MtF to receive 'sex-change' surgery. She lived a chaotic life of peaks and troughs including the disgraceful divorce case where the establishment, including the lea ...

    - 2022/01/01 - 1:31am - 11 comments

  11. What gives these arseholes the right to kill?

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item An article from the Guardian details the murder of a Kurdish transgender woman by her brother, who may well get away with it. It strikes me as perverse that it's acceptable to murder someo ...

    - 2022/03/02 - 6:52pm - 8 comments

  12. NHS services for children's gender identity can't cope with demand.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item According to an article, children's services are overwhelmed by demand from youngsters who are uncertain about their gender. It is problematic for the youngsters who may develop other issu ...

    - 2022/03/16 - 11:57am - 20 comments

  13. British Cycling and trans women

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I am seriously considering resigning as a member of British Cycling after they decided to stop transwomen from competing in elite women's bike races. This has all blown up after Emily Brid ...

    - 2022/04/10 - 6:10pm - 12 comments

  14. Women scientists under-recognised

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item The latest research shows what we suspected, women are left out of the authorship of many scientific papers, we all know of Rosalind Franklin and DNA, it seems it's still happening. I hope ...

    - 2022/06/28 - 2:10pm - 6 comments

  15. Wendy's get together

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item This doesn't seem to be on tonight, I've called in twice and there was no connection by the host. I know Wendy was having trouble with her leg I hope it's no worse. If there is a ...

    - 2022/07/05 - 4:15pm

  16. The bigotry of the right wing...

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item A story from the Guardian. It appears drag queens have been reading stories to children in public libraries and the right-wing have got hold of it and, on the pretence of protecting children ar ...

    - 2022/08/20 - 7:51pm - 30 comments

  17. Fairy wrasse

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item According to the Guardian, these fish along with another species of wrasse start off as female but become male as they age, becoming more colourful as they do so. Nature seems to have it the wr ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:45pm - 9 comments

  18. Netflix film on Australian trailblazer

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item A transgender girl who seemed to spend half her life in Australian courts has made a film for Netflix On the Guardian website, wh ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:46pm - 1 comment

  19. '32 trans people killed this year.'

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item 'At least 32 transgender and non-binary people have been killed in the US this year, the Human Rights Campaign said yesterday in its annual report. America's largest LGBT political lo ...

    - 2022/12/22 - 9:16pm - 12 comments

  20. Sad to report

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item That the teenage girl stabbed to death on Saturday in Culcheth, Cheshire, was transgender though they don't believe it was hate crime. Brianna Ghey, aged 16 was found in a park on Saturday ...

    - 2023/02/20 - 12:53pm - 11 comments
