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  1. I was the pet in the zoo today.

    So, what do I have to bitch about? I am living almost the perfect life now if you ignore the black hole in my heart at the loss of my whole family. Shit, that was over 5 years ago now, so I just need to buck up, pull up my skirt, keep my lipstick straight ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 6 comments

  2. Do I need a UPS in Ohio?

    Ah yes, here I am in the wonderfully beautiful, hot, sticky, state of Ohio. I have always lived near Hi Tech Manufacturing companies so am somewhat spoiled with my house power. ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 14 comments

  3. Interesting "Conjunction" of Holidays.

    I see that this year, the Holy time of Rosh Hashanah, and EID closely coincide. I find it extremely sad that two belief systems which have so much in common seem to have had so much to fight about in the past. For the past month beginning August 11th, Mus ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 4 comments

  4. "Classical" dreaming.

    I've always had very eclectic tastes in music, and the first song I can remember is "The Green Door" circa '56. For reasons I don't understand, I really like Handel, Wagner, Bach, and some of those other dead guys too. These days, ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 4 comments

  5. A question of vital importance!

    No, I am not buying into this silly video, unless one of you own up to making it. Flying Pteradacles, AS IF! No, my question is: Who is the music in the background played by? This music is like so totally HOT!!! It makes ALL of my danceing genes fire at o ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  6. I vow to thee my country.

    I am quite sure that some of you have doubts about my loyalties because I am Muslim. And, in light of the actions taken by a few pseudo Muslims, one would think that the rest of us Muslims would really pitch in solidly to rid the world of this vermin. I s ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  7. Ave Maria in Welsh?

    I used to listen to Charlotte Church when she was young and thought that her singing was wonderful. For me it was disappointing to see her transition into other music but that is her right if she wishes. Accidentally, early this morning around 2:00 AM, I ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 10 comments

  8. A disturbance in the Internet ether?

    For the last several days, I have noticed that BCTS is slow to completely load at times. Oh, it eventually does, but I just noticed the change. No complaint really. Are there current issues in the air or is it just this infestation of Ohio fall bugs. It r ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  9. Hey, ya wanna date my avatar?

    I think some of you need to do this, considering some of the pics I see for the stories I see here. Sadly, I can not find properly attired Binti clothing. Haraam Haraam! giggle. Gwendolyn Or NOT http://w ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 1 comment

  10. Welsh Forced Marriage, HUH?

    I only mention this because there are Welsh people here who could maybe give this story some context. What is going on? Gwen ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  11. Good heavens, we've got Midges!

    I was in New York state a few days ago visiting a friend, and down by a lake, walked right into a cloud of bugs so dense that I was almost afraid to breathe. That night when I got home from there, we had similar infestations of the same thing. They were j ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 4 comments

  12. Wait, I'm the messed up one!

    For most of my life, I have felt as if I was the messed up one, in spite of the fact that I worked for 40 years, raised 4 children, and all that. (One of the children was my wife:)) So, after going through SRS, that firmly implants one in the Mental Healt ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 2 comments

  13. I don't know where I am going?

    I'm just sitting here, taking a break from processing apples to dry. Got the first batch going now, and have decided that slicing them in 1/4 thickness is high risk for me; almost cut a finger off twice! ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 11 comments

  14. Confused About Comic Characters

    It's going to rain an inch today. I wonder how they know that? Outside there are few birds about, I wish I could show you the view out my window; of the bird feeder beneath the ancient Beech or what ever it is; the tiny river down the bank; the priva ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm

  15. Exodus International to stop Gay bashing

    I am surprised that none of you picked up on this as I see it as quite important. Yesterday I noticed in the news that Exodus International, James Dobson's once highly publicised effor to cure Gays had decided to pull out of anti Gay conventions. The ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 10 comments

  16. Lost all my hearing!

    Suddenly yesterday, I lost all the hearing in my left ear. There is a tiny bit left but it sounds like speaker does when the cone is torn. I did not hit my head or anything. I have been wearing a hearing aid in that ear for quite some time. There is a pro ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 4 comments

  17. Linkedln Spam, sorry.

    I guess it is my fault. I got an email from someone I know, and she asked me if I wanted to link with her on Linkedln, a purportedly professional web network site. Well, now the thing is making its way through every contact that I have of any kind with an ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 7 comments

  18. Transgenders as "full" women This is apt to make some of you absolutely incensed, but "fuck the drummer". ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 15 comments

  19. Reconciliation with my family?

    I thought that I had forgotten the family; put them away; given it up as a lost cause, but I just found out, through the Grapevine, that my youngest Daughter has had a baby. I don't know when she had it or the gender. She is full blooded Korean and h ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 7 comments

  20. Sleepless in Seattle

    I watched "Sleepless in Seattle" tonight, all the way through. I've tried to watch it before but it hurt too much and I had to stop. Tonight I managed to finish it. Maybe I am getting over it. Gwendolyn ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:39pm - 4 comments
