
Search results

  1. Universal Brain Neuron Network

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I know that this is way off topic, but I beg you to indulge me for a few moments. For those who really know me, one of my obsessions is to try to figure out the rea ...

    - 2009/06/23 - 12:31am - 7 comments

  2. My name change

    Hello all: ...

    - 2009/06/27 - 1:11pm - 13 comments

  3. The thing that DID it.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I have frequently heard trans folk say that they felt that stress had a roll in their final decision to actually "come out", do it, get cut, and all that. ...

    - 2009/07/06 - 5:12pm - 12 comments

  4. Kindle

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I originally bought an IPAQ several years ago to read stories on and that proved to be too impractical; too small. Now, I am seeing a thing called a "Kindle&qu ...

    - 2009/07/18 - 1:22pm - 19 comments

  5. Out, out brief (tiny) candle.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I was talking with another author yesterday and she said that she doubted that she'd write any more, and after we talked for a while it seemed like she was say ...

    - 2009/08/02 - 9:36am - 17 comments

  6. What was Stu thinking?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This is the sort of thing that I find embarassing for all T folk. I don't normally comment on the conduct of another person. Portland is pretty weird and you c ...

    - 2009/08/05 - 9:21am - 22 comments

  7. A husband, for ME?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I was talking on SKYPE this morning with a long time friend in Sauudia. We usually talk about situations there, his favorite books, and movies too. Yes, there are n ...

    - 2009/08/08 - 3:36pm - 6 comments

  8. For the adventuresome, Marmite

    Bleh! ...

    - 2009/08/08 - 11:47pm - 22 comments

  9. Urgent Movie help her?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I am looking for the Title to a recent movie where a CIA agent goes to Syria or Jordan to find a Terrorist. He gets captured by the same but gets rescued by the Jor ...

    - 2009/08/09 - 12:32am - 3 comments

  10. Truble in the Force?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I notice that The Force seems to be somewhat disturbed today. Yahoo mail has been semi comatose off an on, and then other sites seem to be affected. Is this jus lil ...

    - 2009/08/10 - 9:08pm - 4 comments

  11. Lt Katia in Afghanistan

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) In a short while, I will be publishing what started out to be a comic magical change from boy to girl, framed in Afghanistan. It is fiction. There is no intent what ...

    - 2009/08/12 - 7:51pm - 3 comments

  12. The new glow in my life.

    Six months ago, every night I prayed that I would not wake up in the morning. I was utterly crushed, knew it and wanted out. I was finished. ...

    - 2009/08/20 - 12:00am

  13. The Runner. I have no answer to this.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) ...

    - 2009/08/24 - 9:31am - 8 comments

  14. Emotionally shattered

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I must say that for a while today, I thought that I was going to spend some time on the Psych ward. I had just read where the 11 year old who spent 18 years with he ...

    - 2009/08/29 - 12:03am - 8 comments

  15. Ear Bug Warning?

    Ear Bug warning? Now, I don't want to seem too paranoid on this and I know that there is no proof yet. I recently got one of those Cell Phone Ear Bug thingies, and I just love it. Today, I went to lunch with a girlfriend who got one much before I did ...

    - 2009/09/05 - 6:03pm - 7 comments

  16. Full face electrolysis

    Someone recently posted some information about an Electrologist who does facial hair removal with the recipient under full anasthesia. I believe it was in the Dallas area. Does anyone recall who it was and how to get in touch with them? Many Blessings Kha ...

    - 2009/09/13 - 11:18am - 5 comments

  17. PCOS

    PCOS "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome I stumbed upon this while looking for "paint" to spray on the part of my scalp where the hair is a mere shaddow of its former glory.:(It looks like these girls suffer with many of the symptoms that the Inters ...

    - 2009/09/13 - 5:41pm - 3 comments

  18. The essence of a Woman

    The link below is about several women who were given AIDS by the same man; an action I find despicable, but that is not why I posted this. I had a brief glimpse into the heart and soul of a woman while watching what they had to say in the youtube intervie ...

    - 2009/09/17 - 10:47am

  19. Tacoma girl

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Gwen Brown heard that you were hunting for her. If you are still suffering from the need to meet me at SCC I am at............... Hugs Gwen ...

    - 2009/09/27 - 1:29pm

  20. Two years off prescription drugs

    Right after I got back from Thailand and SRS, I noticed that I was about 60lbs over what I had been when I started this whole TG debacle. It took a while for the storm to develop but about a month after I got back I sat down with my Shrink, who I was seei ...

    - 2009/10/03 - 9:41pm - 4 comments
