
Search results

  1. Finally a bit of good news re:name change.

    I've been working on several legal documents, namely: a Will, a Health Proxy and a Power Of Attorney. Those I can afford. I've been putting off my name change because of the costs and another matter that concerns only me and one other nameless p ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 5 comments

  2. Bimbo Bread?

    A few years ago a story came out, in the SRU universe entitled "Bimbo Bread." The subject matter of the story should be obvious due to the title. Recently, at our local "superstore/grocery store, I found the real deal! It's pronounced ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 8 comments

  3. Last night I almost gave up.

    Over the last few weeks I've been feeling more and more like there's no point in continuing, with my transition, or my life. It seems that every time I manage to make some progress, something happens to set me back, not only in my transition, bu ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 10 comments

  4. Spare a thought for our N.Z. friends.

    Several of our author friends are N.Z. natives, and the recent quake has really left a mess in it's wake. My dear friend Prudence Walker is a Cristchurch resident, and I am very worried about her right now. We haven't co-responded in quite awhil ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 2 comments


    Author:  Catherine Linda Michel Catherine Linda Michel's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) and many, many more. Cheers luv. Carpe Cakum. Cathy ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 13 comments

  6. Khadijah's computer is down and out.

    She'll be offline for awhile until she can either afford to get it fixed or buy a different one. She called me this morning and asked me to post a blog to let people know so they won't worry if they don't see her online for a few days... so ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 5 comments

  7. I'm in the midst of a panic attack.

    A somewhat mild one, to be sure, but panic nonetheless. Reality has just come crashing down around my ears, what with the name change now being in the hands of the court and everything else. I've spent the last few days, surrounded by workmen who are ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 11 comments

  8. Spare a moment of prayer for our Japanese friends.

    Japan has experienced a most devastating earthquake and tsunami. Hundreds are confirmed dead, and thousands are still among the missing. It might not be over yet either, as reports coming out of Japan seem to indicate that a damaged nuclear plant might be ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 2 comments

  9. Another lesson learned.

    It seems, by caring too much, I've inadvertantly hurt someone. So...from now on, I am staying OUT of other people's lives completely. I'm not answering questions, or offering advice, or anything else remotely like that ever again. In fact, ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am

  10. Re: Another Lesson Learned.

    I have had a conversation with the person I harmed by my actions and we have reconciled. I'm returning to the "community" but provisionally. I will no longer offer advice, nor will I attempt to help, since I am obviously unqualified to do e ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 5 comments

  11. It's OFFICIAL!!!!! Re: Name Change.

    As of the 18th of April, three days after my birthday, I will be officially and legally, Catherine Linda Michel!!!!! I never thought, for real, that this day would ever come, due to financial restrictions, but it's here, it's real, and I am ecst ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 14 comments

  12. RE: Stories, comments, and the Ret-Con Universe.

    Speaking from the viewpoint of a former "comment whore" I completely understand the feeling that nobody gives A damn about what one writes. I learned, much to my chagrin, that the quality of the writing is seldom an indication of how many commen ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 14 comments

  13. The last 24 hours,

    have been more than a bit busy. In an attempt to obtain a surgery letter from a psychiatrist, I have gone through three hours of shrink, therapist, and social worker. The upshot? No dice. The shrink doesn't feel she has enough expertise to diagnose m ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 3 comments

  14. To ALL the authors writing in the Ret-Con Universe.

    AND to all the authors of ALL the stories in general: In lieu of separate comments, I have chosen this means to compliment every one of you for your inventiveness and skills. I've been a comic book fan since my very early years, particularly the Marv ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 4 comments

  15. A story that should be read. It's many chapters long, and somewhat drawn out, but it IS from a "mainstream" author, and it seems to be getting some attention from the so-called "straights". Chapter nine, in part ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 5 comments

  16. Another year older and deeper in debt.

    Well. Here we are again. My Birthday. Under normal circumstances, I don't get presents on my Birthday any more. I've grown accustomed to that. This year, however, I get a BIG present from the courts. On Monday the 18th, the final court decree be ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:41am - 11 comments

  17. Am I the only one fed up with The "Royal Wedding?

    THE FOLLOWING IS AN ANGRY RANT. NO OFFENSE IS MEANT TO ANYONE, SO PLEASE, NO FLAMES? All the pomp and circumstance is making me violently ill! 30 MILLiON dollars for security and God KNOWS how much for the actual wedding! EVERYWHERE I turn, on TV, in the ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 7:38pm - 32 comments

  18. Retcon Lexicon. Where is it?

    A few days or weeks ago, someone posted what was called A Retcon Lexicon. I had to do a re-stert of my computer this morning and when it rebooted, my link to the Lexicon was gone. Can anyone help me find it again? Cathy ...

    - 2011/04/30 - 11:56am - 18 comments

  19. I should be celebrating,

    my name change became legal, finally, yesterday. Instead of celebration, what I feel is somewhat empty. My family really could care less about this, and most of my friends are gone... either moved far away, or passed away. Frankly, I've never felt qu ...

    - 2011/05/07 - 6:27pm - 7 comments

  20. I have asked Erin to unpub,

    two of my unfinished stories. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime, and The Reluctant Biker Babe, as well as an abortive and completely useless contest to finish Let The Punishment Fit The Crime. ...

    - 2011/05/07 - 6:28pm - 4 comments
