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  1. What Light Through Yonder Shadow...- Act 3; 2

    "How can this be?" Brent repeated for the third time. "We shouldn't be entering New York for at least another eight hours, did the Witchblade get us here this quickly?" he inquired of Ginger. ...

    - 2011/07/12 - 4:45pm - 5 comments

  2. What Light Through Yonder Shadow...- Act 3; 3

    When you get down to it, ultimately there is no good or evil, only a matter of perception. ...

    - 2011/07/16 - 5:05pm - 4 comments

  3. What Light Through Yonder Shadow...- Act 4

    Life is about choices. There will always be what if but ultimitely the final decision belongs to each individual person. ...

    - 2011/07/22 - 9:42pm - 5 comments