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  1. On Ethnographies and writing

    Well, busy again, but thankfully I am two weeks in advance of where I need to be with editing. Granted the chapter after that is new and I have to write the whole thing, but hopefully after that I should be good for a while. ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:34am - 5 comments

  2. Early Chapter, happy talk

    Well, I decided to upload the chapter early as tomorrow is going to be crazy, what with painting and ritual stuff... so anyway. I am looking forward to people's comments on this chapter, as there is some fun stuff in there that changes the tide of th ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 2 comments

  3. Surprise Update and some info...

    So, here is the next great chapter in the epic 300 Rains. I am posting it early because I take off on vacation Friday and thus am not going to update anything until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. After 4 months of sorting, processing, cleaning and paintin ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 2 comments

  4. Happy Veteran's Day

    Happy Veteran's Day everyone! From one proud vet to everyone else. Transvets are people too. Check out Transgender American Veterans Association for more information. And just to be clear, this is to all Veterans of all nations who put themselves in ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 16 comments

  5. Ah... vacation

    Dear everybody on BCTS, Vacation is so good for the soul. We are just happy vegging here in Myrtle Beach. Our place has a great view of the ocean and we have been listening to the waves for a few days now. It is oh so relaxing. Yesterday I swam in th ocea ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 1 comment

  6. Still kicking

    Okay... So the one chapter I was worried about, as I hadn't written it at all and it needed new research to fill in a few holes is done and I plan on getting to it sometime this week. That will be nice. As I have been doing these I realized that I ha ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am - 2 comments

  7. Back to the grind... mostly

    Home again, home again... jiggidy jig... So the Vacation was awesome and I feel loads better. Sorry for the late posting of the story but unfortunately my home phone is dead and thus my net is down. It sucks, but until I have money I am banging rocks in t ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:33am