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  1. UK MtoF Trans Soldier to serve on the Front Line

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item Several news sources here in the UK are reporting that the first openly transgender soldier will serve on the front line thus becoming the first woman to do this (medics are already there a ...

    - 2016/09/19 - 12:30pm - 10 comments

  2. Well, that's all done and dusted

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Today was my last day of regular employment. After 4 1/2 years with a very good company, I retired today. I left school in '69 aged 15 and apart from 3 years as student I'v ...

    - 2016/10/02 - 7:55pm - 7 comments