
Search results

  1. SRS Shell Game

    Author:  Gwen Brown Ahabidah's blog Blog About:  News Item I was talking to another post op MtF woman the other day, and her experience was the same as mine. They did the surgery, let me convalesce for several days and then wanted another $3000 to fi ...

    - 2018/08/13 - 8:37pm - 8 comments

  2. Officially Done, Finished, Kaput...

    Author:  Gwen Brown Ahabidah's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing It is finally clear that stories by Gwen Brown, Ahabidah and any other pseudonym I have used, do not get read, Kudo, or Commented on. It is senseless to ask you to p ...

    - 2024/04/10 - 12:56am - 13 comments

  3. So Embarrassed.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Ahabidah's blog "Born To Be Exhibited" I just re-read the piece, and even after the 4th edit, I am still embarrassed by it. I tried to get rid of it but the Edit button is gone. Ahabidah ...

    - 2024/05/03 - 12:35am - 2 comments

  4. Being Who You Are

    Author:  Gwen Brown Ahabidah's blog Blog About:  News Item It is profound to me that some are just busy about being who they are no matter what the self-proclaimed experts say. We all know them, and it is not about gender, though sometimes it is. The ...

    - 2024/06/14 - 4:12am - 1 comment

  5. See in the Dark

    Aurella's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) OK, I am waiting for a story about this phenomenom.:} ...

    - 2014/01/02 - 10:23am - 6 comments

  6. The desire to submit

    I have been looking at some of my work and deciding how my personality molds my own stories to reflect a part of me. I had often thought that a professional could write on almost any subject and make a success of it. I, on the other hand write about my in ...

    - 2007/06/17 - 1:13pm - 7 comments

  7. My Flashbacks are true.

    I was treated to a wonderful surprise this week end and I think it will change my life. As with some of us, there is that lingering guilt over transitioning and I had it a lot. This week end, I saw my step sister who is 4 years older than I and the conver ...

    - 2007/07/14 - 5:55pm

  8. My Surgery in Thailand

    I am recuperating from Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand and even though I have no experience with other surgeons, I would say that my experience with Dr Kamon at MtfSurgery is most satisfactory. Any one wishing to inquire would be well treated. ...

    - 2007/08/26 - 5:37am - 8 comments

  9. Home again. I am Woman; hear me giggle.

    Hello everyone: I am home again from SRS in Thailand. I loved the trip and it was about as recreational as surgery can be. I did learn some things about navagating the SRS maze that may help someone who has been fighting the system without success. One th ...

    - 2007/09/07 - 10:23am - 9 comments

  10. Just read Brian to Briana

    I just finished reading "Brian to Briana" and it really highlighted an issue that I continue to to address, my own sexuality. ...

    - 2007/09/27 - 1:52pm - 4 comments

  11. High Maintenance, Ha!

    Years ago, in my super masculine stage, I had a wonderful hill climbing motorcycle called an OSSA. It seemed that for every hour of run time, I had three hours of repairs to make. That was until I got my own Cunny. Gwenellen ...

    - 2007/10/09 - 10:45am - 7 comments

  12. Desert Princess II

    I have Chapter 2 of Desert Princess almost ready to post but I am thinking that it needs an edit first. Erin has done my other work, but I think she may be waaaaay to busy right now, what with,,,,, so I am not even going to ask. Would anyone else care to ...

    - 2007/10/20 - 4:22pm - 1 comment

  13. It's a funny, funny world.:)

    This afternoon, I am doing some very casual research into my families history. I have two other full blood brothers among the crowd of my family. Their names are Aven and Logan. I was extremely surprised to find that both of those names, along with mine, ...

    - 2007/10/25 - 3:10pm

  14. I can too nurse my baby.

    Read this and giggle ladies. So this means that I could nurse my own baby. I have this fantasy about being captured by a powerful business woman who is pregnant and given the job of nursing her ...

    - 2007/10/26 - 12:52am

  15. Gender role reversal, reversal

    So, here I am three months post op MtF and I found the following article: I think it is a must read for pre-ops. I knew there would be a period or remorse or "Post part um depression,:) and I am dealing with ...

    - 2007/11/03 - 4:16pm - 2 comments

  16. My new style of writing?

    Hi my Lovelies: ...

    - 2007/11/09 - 12:07am - 6 comments

  17. Why am I a bitch?

    I try to be the most loving and friendly person I can but once in a while I just blow it so bad that the enormity of what I have done simply plagues me for days. I am afraid that this is one that I will have to go back and fix if I get the oportunity. ...

    - 2007/11/12 - 12:54pm - 6 comments

  18. In addition to SRS

    When I was in Bangkok getting my SRS from Dr Kamol, I was looking in the mirror one day, about a week post op. I noticed that my upper lip was absolutely straight; no cupids bow at all. ...

    - 2007/11/17 - 2:07pm - 1 comment

  19. Could someone help the girl, please.

    I was astonished yesterday to find that my identity can be traced all the way past my IP(?), even to the identity of my PC. I had joined a website forum on and then got an email that showed all this information to me. It was just shocking. ...

    - 2007/11/17 - 3:46pm - 11 comments

  20. True Selves

    Not that I think I am any different from many of the rest of the girls here, but the very realization that I have become a far different person than I was is such a pleasant surprise. IMHO, I am probably the ultimate girly girl or try to be. I'd be t ...

    - 2007/11/18 - 1:51am - 4 comments
