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  1. The world gets better for us.

    OK folks, listen up. This is really good video series by ABC and I think it is important enough that I wrote them to thank them for running such a complete and caring series. The world is getting better for us. Be brave. There are I think 6 videos in this ...

    - 2012/01/05 - 6:48pm - 2 comments

  2. Sissy boy experiment.

    Before you start reading this article, just remember that we are winning this battle that has taken us so long and caused many of us to shed so many tears. ...

    - 2012/01/05 - 6:48pm - 5 comments

  3. Things are improving for T folk

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This is something that I thought I would never see. ...

    - 2011/12/30 - 6:39am - 9 comments

  4. Feeling really odd, and a bit frightened.

    I am reading Julie Cole's, "A Change In Lifestyle", and though I am pretty certain where it is going, it makes me feel really unsteady and um odd. I'll likely keep reading it. Christmas has, in the last 6 years been really hard because ...

    - 2011/12/26 - 7:47pm - 6 comments

  5. Who will place the XXX mantle?

    So, I see in the news this morning that the roll out for the XXX web sites is today. I wonder, with some trepidation, who gets to choose who gets that designation? Fro those with that designation, will it be like a dead albatross around the neck of the ha ...

    - 2011/12/16 - 5:29pm - 14 comments

  6. Invited to a muggle's writers group.

    Much to my astonishment, I have been invited to a muggle writer's group through my church. I am frankly astonished and wonder how long this will last. The word from a friend of mine who secured the invitation for me is that if these people like your ...

    - 2011/12/06 - 12:15pm - 4 comments

  7. AIS

    This has to be the happiest day I can remember in 7 years. I got the results for a medical test (Karyotype) I had last week and I am officially in the ranks of the AIS. Which means that I can be declared officially a woman in the eyes of a certain organis ...

    - 2011/12/06 - 12:15pm - 15 comments

  8. On being a whole person

    As a woman, I enjoy many types of things in my life. I love a good walk, bike ride, road trip, chocolate cake, fettuccine Alfredo, my fish tail skirt, my new hearing aids, a clean kitchen, the smell of a bubble bath, newly done nails, and the days that I ...

    - 2011/11/28 - 11:48am

  9. When negative comments come.

    Much to my utter dismay, AS IF, someone took exception to something I wrote and it made me feel quite sad. So, I took my utter sadness to a published author who I know has taken a great deal of criticism and gone on living. I did not actually think I woul ...

    - 2011/11/22 - 10:03am - 10 comments

  10. Alien Investigators

    Battleground to Crib Alien Re-Genesis after rewritten. ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:44am - 32 comments

  11. Strength of Materials

    In my writing of this next short story, I really did exercise my poetic license to the point that I might get a healthy fine. I hope you all like it, though I know some will not. I think I will call it "Battle Field To Cradle". I plan to publish ...

    - 2011/11/22 - 10:03am - 2 comments

  12. Can writing be that draining, really?

    I've been beavering away at two different stories that are funny at times and quite poignant others, and I am doing an extensive scriptural study along with exhaustive notes and am feeling quite drained. Both stories were meant to be dramas with post ...

    - 2011/11/13 - 6:37pm - 15 comments

  13. What I endured as a child and worse!!!

    This makes me feel so nasty. I think he should go to prison ...

    - 2011/11/02 - 6:24pm - 9 comments

  14. Faery, Fairy, Djinn, Djin Me speller ant workin.

    Well, I am beavering away on a story and have come to an impasse regarding how to spell some words. The premise of the story is that it is written with the primary protagonist doing some of the naration, and she is from Worcester, UK. So, I've been t ...

    - 2011/11/02 - 6:22pm - 18 comments

  15. Vaginal Maintenance for the new owner.

    I thought I would share this for the benefit of those contemplating getting SRS. Hopefully you will be wiser because of what I am going to share. Mine was done in Bankok, Thailand by Dr Kamon on August 15, 2006. From the beginning Dialation of the Faux Va ...

    - 2011/11/02 - 6:22pm - 6 comments

  16. OMG! Someone is wearing my clothes!!!

    For a few days I have been looking for my 38B padded push up bra, as I have a nice little dress that really makes the girls stand out. UM well, I'm not 38, but I use an extender and that brings it out to my 42. And before anyone says it, no it does n ...

    - 2011/10/24 - 11:30pm - 5 comments

  17. New Transgender genetics proof?

    Look, no callin the cops or any other drama, OK? I'm just really needing to hear if their is any new research on Transgender Genetics. I mean NEW. I do not mean the stuff that gets warped to conform to our own wishes, but real science. I follow this ...

    - 2011/10/24 - 12:11pm - 9 comments

  18. Extreme

    Originally published on in 2001 So, here is another of my whoppers. I do hope that you all enjoy it. I had hoped to get other work done but this old yarn just kept niggling at the back of my brain and at my age, I have none to spare, jolly g ...

    - 2021/07/04 - 9:59pm - 14 comments

  19. Having an issue with MS Word 2010.

    This morning at 1:00 AM I finished a short story, complete with the extra spaces between paragraphs that Drupal requires. As far as I was concerned, it was ready to publish. This morning I got up and decided to give it one last read to check for continuit ...

    - 2011/10/20 - 12:30pm - 8 comments

  20. First, Second, Third person, that is the question!

    NOTE: IF YOU HAVE PTSD, YOU WOULD PERHAPS NOT WANT TO BE READING THE STORY I AM ABOUT TO TALK ABOUT. I've got an old short story called "Extreme" that I published on Storysite as an excercise in a creative writing class. I wanted it to leav ...

    - 2011/10/20 - 12:30pm - 3 comments
