
Search results

  1. I'm Being Murdered

    Why doesn't it feel like love? I just had this exchange with my Son. I imagine that it is nothing new to some of you. How do you put an end to this? Dear Dad, When I left home to join the Navy, I thought I was getting out from beneath authority so I ...

    - 2008/06/01 - 7:04pm - 6 comments

  2. Ms Frankenstein

    Ms Frankenstein ...

    - 2012/10/02 - 9:40am

  3. Ms Frankenstein Part 2

    Gwen Brown General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Transgender Mature / Thirty+ Hypnosis / Mind-Control / Brainwashed Disguises / On the Run / In Hiding Physically Forced Amnesia Bizarre Body Modifications Dominance & Submission / B ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:43am - 3 comments

  4. "The Pleasure of Pain"

    I will bet that my stories leave some of you chilled and for many years I have felt ashamed of my "perverted" desires. Some perhaps fear that I could be a danger to children and small animals but let me assure you that aggression against others ...

    - 2008/06/03 - 10:22pm - 2 comments

  5. A realistic response to friendly Aliens

    I'm working on an installment of a "certain" story and I am just trying to work somthing out. So, here is the scenario: ...

    - 2008/06/05 - 2:56pm - 20 comments

  6. What the speech pathologist told me.

    For those of us who have jumped into the deep end of the pool, and transitioned or at least started, I had a few sessions with a Professional Speech Pathologist. She taught me a few things that I spent time working on, but I am afraid that I am no where n ...

    - 2008/06/14 - 1:08am - 1 comment

  7. I'd like to thank you.

    I just want you all to know that I never intend to start a flame war. Some times I just get too excited and talk with out thinking.:(So, Thank you all for being nice to me even when I am wrong!:) Many blessings to you. Gwen ...

    - 2008/06/18 - 2:45pm - 2 comments

  8. I have been severly blessed, I am moving!!!!!!

    But first I must travel to a distant Galaxy so they can change my internet service. Hopefully, I will be back on line by Monday afternoon Many Blessings, and I will miss you all VWEWY MUCh! SMOOCHES! Khadija Gwendolyn Brown ...

    - 2008/06/25 - 1:49pm - 2 comments

  9. Cancer FREEEEEE!!

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) My CAT scan has revealed that the polyps in my lungs have not grown and I am Cancer Free. Yyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyy! Gwendolyn Brown ...

    - 2008/06/28 - 9:13am - 11 comments

  10. Who wrote?

    Hello my lovelies: Perhaps a year ago, an Author published a story here that involved a wife loving her husband so much that she started him along the road to transition, apparently even when he was unaware of his need to do it. In the progress of the sto ...

    - 2008/06/27 - 9:35pm - 8 comments

  11. Off topic and not too dumb, I hope?

    I just saw that a woman is using a junk 747 airplane to build a house. Why on earth would they junk a 747? I thought those things last a long time? "I don't understand" seems to becomming my mantra.:) Gwendolyn ...

    - 2008/06/28 - 12:07pm - 33 comments