
Search results

  1. Some dark poetry

    Please let me assure you that I am not suicidal. This is something I wrote when I was absolutely dismayed about the revelation that I was transgendered. I think many of you will identify with the feelings. Once you think your goals are meet Evil men entan ...

    - 2008/01/01 - 10:27pm

  2. Do you need your work proofed?

    I have decided to try to be of some help here at BC, so I am going to offer to proof writer's stories for them. I just want to say up front that I am NOT an English teacher, but most people tell me that I write like a professional (Doncha just love t ...

    - 2008/01/02 - 1:51pm - 2 comments

  3. Elizabethan Language Fun!

    Hello Ladies: After a conversation with my estranged son, I have walked around for two days with tears in my eyes and finally I decided that I had to do something to pull myself out of the pity party. Well, I have discovered Elizabethan Language. It is so ...

    - 2008/01/05 - 11:30pm - 4 comments

  4. The Memory Debacle

    I posted this as a comment to "Who Was I", and then realized that it may be for a wider readership. My dears, coming out as a T girl can be extremely hard for most of us. Perhaps coming out in our teens is easier but I don't see how it coul ...

    - 2008/01/29 - 3:34pm - 5 comments

  5. As we try to find ourselves

    I know that each of us grapple with the question; "who are we"? I think I am doing OK; at least as well as most other people. Those of you who know of my past brush with Islam, may also know that it left a deep, smoking, brand on my heart. I am ...

    - 2008/01/30 - 3:23pm - 4 comments