
Search results

  1. Birka's Theorem

    Birka's Theorem: Love of Money is a Virtue Given: Money is an agent which facilitates voluntary trade. Voluntary trade causes each party to gain something which is of higher value to him or her than what was given up in the trade. Money is the facili ...

    - 2008/06/20 - 1:07pm

  2. A Mathematical Explanation of Virtue

    A Mathematical Explanation of Virtue in part by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney Given: Love of money is the root of all evil. Birka's Theorem: Love of money is a virtue. Virtue is the root of all evil. (Virtue) 2 = Evil. Given: Evil is a negative. Virtue is i ...

    - 2008/06/22 - 1:29am

  3. Modern Dwarf?

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A dwarf. I'm talking a bona fide, Tolkien dwarf, just walked out of my office. Short, had the build, a full beard, the scottish accent... but she was we ...

    - 2008/01/05 - 3:15pm - 3 comments

  4. Wheel of Time Fanfic/TG fic

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I found the email with the Prologue in it that I sent to a friend back in June of 2003, and I'll post it as soon as I clean it up. But, as a gesture of ...

    - 2008/01/11 - 5:44pm - 3 comments

  5. Wheel of Time Fanfic/TG fic status

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) ...

    - 2008/01/17 - 8:40am

  6. A thought on front-page scrolling

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Just a thought. Since we have such a (wonderful) influx of oft' posting authors as of late, the rapidity of the front page scrolling down and away has b ...

    - 2008/01/19 - 8:52am - 22 comments

  7. Shortcuts update changes

    (afternoon) I made the Compressed Titles slightly longer, if it would still fit on one line in the cell, I lengthened it (afternoon) I added a colon as separator for Parted stories (early evening) I added the latest two stories in a new row (early evening ...

    - 2008/01/19 - 6:23pm - 10 comments

  8. Hokey Smokes! Heath Ledger DIED this afternoon!

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Apparently at around 3:30pm Eastern Time, Heath Ledger was found dead of apparent suicide or accidental overdose. ...

    - 2008/01/22 - 4:56pm - 9 comments

  9. Very Ill

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I may have to go to the ER later today. I'll try to keep you all updated, but now I have to get ready for work. ...

    - 2008/01/25 - 6:14am - 8 comments

  10. Very Ill: 2

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I'm going home. When my roommate gets off work (approx 90 minutes from now) she's taking me to the Minute Clinic. They may recommend doc office fro ...

    - 2008/01/25 - 3:40pm - 5 comments

  11. Health Blog, Attempt number two

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Last night I attempted to write an update blog, but the site ate it. Rather than re-do it right then, I figured I could do it today. ...

    - 2008/01/29 - 11:58am - 2 comments

  12. Coming soon!

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Okay, I'm not doing a lot of writing during tax season, but I had a story explode in my head last night. I've not written any of it down, but I thi ...

    - 2008/01/30 - 10:36am - 1 comment

  13. What would you like to see from me?

    Okay, this is a "survey" sort of entry, I guess... I'm gonna list all the things I've poked about on BCTS with that are still 'open' that I'd like to or am at least willing to continue, and I'd like you all to rank ...

    - 2008/01/30 - 7:33pm - 16 comments

  14. Paging Joanne Foxcourt

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg)......... What, pray tell, would it take to get you to continue Queen Rider? I loved it when I first saw it early last year, but now I've pointed it out ...

    - 2008/02/04 - 10:11am - 4 comments

  15. Holiday of the day

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) New Feature in the Shortcuts! Holiday of the Day. A world holiday will be associated with every day according to this favoritism list: Top Priority- The Unit ...

    - 2008/02/06 - 6:08am - 13 comments

  16. I win!

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Okay, after a DECADE off of school, my first semester back is a resounding success! ...

    - 2008/02/05 - 4:45pm - 8 comments

  17. Sick again

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This time it's a strain of influenza that has laid low this not-so-intrepid heroine... More posty bit and such tomorrow. I'm going to be going home ...

    - 2008/02/15 - 1:02pm - 20 comments

  18. Non-TG by me

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) If anyone is interested, I have been posting some of my stories and serials at the new F ictioneer! ...

    - 2008/02/19 - 1:53pm - 9 comments

  19. Holiday of the Day, Revisited

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Each holiday now links to basic information about what it is and how it works. ...

    - 2008/02/24 - 8:47am - 3 comments

  20. Very few

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) [Note: This blog started as a comment reply to a comment on Camp Kumoni: 31 by Anistasia Allread] ...

    - 2012/06/23 - 4:57am - 24 comments
