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  1. My Last Day

    Rasufelle's blog Author:  Rasufelle Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Today is my last day people. No, not here. At my job. ...

    - 2014/04/13 - 9:58am

  2. Depression Sucks

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm sure this is no news to most of you here, but it still has to be said: getting depressed sucks. ...

    - 2014/08/10 - 9:32am - 11 comments

  3. Red Letter Day

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Yesterday was quite a good day for me, and gave me a much-needed emotional boost after several weeks of being pretty down in the dumps. ...

    - 2014/09/07 - 7:44am - 3 comments

  4. Arkansas Weather

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical On Wednesday it was in the eighties, and we were fighting with our AC to try and get it to cool the house down. Today it's not even reached 60, and I'm curled up in my room w ...

    - 2014/09/18 - 6:02am - 10 comments

  5. 84 Months In Default

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical That's where my student loans are sitting right now, with a total value of 3,184 dollars and a handful of cents. On the plus side, this is down from the near 10k I owed previously ...

    - 2014/09/26 - 2:56pm - 8 comments

  6. Why?

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Why? I know I have it better than most. I'm not starving. I'm not on the verge of being homeless, at least, not any mor so than any other poverty-level individual in our curr ...

    - 2014/10/13 - 12:16am - 10 comments

  7. I'm 28 Today!

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Hooray for me! One year closer to my third decade, and still nothing to show for it. On the plus side, though, I never REALLY expected to make it this long, so... yay? ...

    - 2014/12/17 - 10:07am - 18 comments