
Search results

  1. Rule One- Keep it Friendly

    Rule One This is a friendly place... What this means is that if something offends you, you are polite about it or you keep quiet. You can talk to me or one of the other admins but if it is a story that has offended you, you're probably not going to b ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 1:55pm - 2 comments

  2. Rule Two- Give Everyone the Benefit of the Doubt

    This is just as important as Rule One. If you think someone has deliberately offended you, think a second time. What if you're wrong? Of course you're sure they were talking about you even though they did not mention your name, but what if you&# ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 1:59pm - 2 comments

  3. Rule Three: It's Not About You...

    I first posted this about another topic some months ago but there is a new need for it and I have therefore edited it. If you have a problem with someone else on the site, understand that that is not the site's problem as long as that person is obeyi ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 2:01pm - 8 comments

  4. Happy New Year! Not so happy new bills! Hatbox needs funds.

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog It is the new year and the first in a bit where we haven't taken out a new loan to pay off last years bills. We're going to try not to do that this year; just try to get through month to month. But we d ...

    - 2023/01/16 - 11:38am - 47 comments

  5. Overdrawn, we need funds!!

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog We're overdrafted in company accounts and I have $15 in personal account. We need funds today. Thanks. All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Many thanks! Paypal contributions come straight to our ac ...

    - 2023/02/01 - 10:31am - 16 comments

  6. Hatbox Funds Needed- Still Month Left When the Money Ran Out.

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog I just got a medical bill for $995 for a procedure last summer that I thought the insurance had paid. I'm going to find out what's going on before I pay them anything. But in other news, it's the e ...

    - 2023/04/03 - 10:47am - 74 comments

  7. Hatbox Funds Keep Us Online- Moving and Medical Expenses

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog I had a medical bill for $995 for a procedure last summer that I thought the insurance had paid. I talked myself into a discount on this and paid that, and still may get it back from the insurance after running t ...

    - 2023/04/20 - 9:53pm - 17 comments

  8. Hatbox funds needed, New month, new bills.

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog It's a new month and our hosting bills hit to the tune of nearly $2000, plus other bills. Thanks for any help you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks to all who have already contributed or p ...

    - 2023/05/28 - 1:35am - 12 comments

  9. Hatbox still short, funds needed end of month

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites We're short, for various reasons. In fact, we have about $90 in accounts with bills coming in. In the meantime, we need some cash. Thanks for any help ...

    - 2023/06/30 - 12:12am - 25 comments

  10. Happy Canada Day!

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Happy Canada Day! to Everybody! The world is a better place because it has Canada in it! Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2023/07/06 - 10:10am - 10 comments

  11. End of the month, Hatbox very low

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog We've got $97 in our accounts right now and end of month bills coming due. Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have already contributed or p ...

    - 2023/09/04 - 7:43am - 47 comments

  12. End-month Bills- Funds Needed

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you.:) We're not desperate because Piper and I have backstopped the company accounts, but funds for end-of-month shocks would be appreciated. Thanks ...

    - 2023/11/09 - 7:23pm - 40 comments

  13. Mid-month Bills and such- Funds Needed

    Author:  Administrator BCAdmin's blog Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you.:) Besides the regular bills, we have some special needs that have come up. I did get Melanie's computer replaced by tapping a savings account I ...

    - 2023/11/25 - 6:19am - 17 comments