
Search results

  1. It's sad when a toy dies

    A few minutes ago, Cuddles killed her toy Skunkie that I got her for Christmas. Skunkie had been on life support since Cuddles bit the squeaker out of the tail on Sunday. Now, both of the squeakers are broken and pulled out of the plush. It's the nat ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 9 comments

  2. Seriously?

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A spammer promoting tours of West Bengal in Afrikaans? WTF? One more spammer down, 367,955,403 to go. Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 8 comments

  3. Merry Christmas to All!

    We've got rain here. After two days of sunshine it's back to rain again. It's getting downright soggy. I don't live in any of the mudslide-threatened areas but there have been evacuations and road closings. Even one of the freeways was ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 4 comments

  4. Capitalization and Titles

    Properly capitalization in the title box really isn't that hard. In most browsers, if you just start typing the new title, it will fill in the most recent one, then you backspace over the number and retype that and the title is correct. But there hav ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 11 comments

  5. Another below average day, Wednesday's are such a drag-- so to speak:)

    We've only had SEVENTEEN stories posted today. What's the matter with you people?:) For the past month, from November 16 to December 15, we've AVERAGED over 19.5 stories a day. For the past week, we've averaged almost 17000 visitors a ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 5 comments

  6. Dog food

    My dog has food allergies. Poor Cuddles when she gets exposed to corn, soy or wheat breaks out in a rash and runs a fever. I had a solution to this problem in that for six months I fed her nothing but homemade dogfood, guaranteed not to contain any of her ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 13 comments

  7. Robots from Mars

    The site was out for about an hour due to an attack or just a clumsy bot hanging the site by trying to use the search. Search is off while we keep trying to figure out what was going on. Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 11 comments

  8. October 2010 All Hallows Eve Story Contest

    Author:  Administrator Sephrena Lynn Miller Contests:  October 2010 All Hallows Eve Story Contest Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Other Keywords:  Story Contests TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Story Contest Entry Submission Dates are ...

    - 2021/10/26 - 2:56pm - 16 comments

  9. New Road to the Stars

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Check out the announcement at Stardust; assuming your DNS cache has caught up, you should see a blog post labeled, "New Road to the Stars". Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 1 comment

  10. Bob has announced that Stardust will be closing in two months

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Go to Stardust to see Bob's own words on this. Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am

  11. No more visitor comments, sorry

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Visitors have been abusing the comment mechanism today leaving spam and other undesirable items while hiding behind anonymity. I don't have time to deal with that ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 4 comments

  12. It finally happened

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I had to make my morning fritatta with no eggs in the house this morning. ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 17 comments

  13. Things you didn't know...

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg)...about people you thought you knew: video link.:) Hugs, Erin ...

    - 2011/05/25 - 1:11am - 2 comments

  14. Sick

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Too sick to talk about it.- Erin ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:43pm - 5 comments

  15. Weather or Not

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) My heat came on earlier, woke me up. "What's that sound?" The dog didn't know. Five days ago, daytime temps here were above 110F (43C), last night, ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:39pm - 17 comments

  16. HatBox Gateway Page

    Author:  Administrator Publication:  Fiction Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Genre:  Transgender This is a gateway page for the HatBox, BigCloset's premium pages where stories given by authors can be viewed or downloaded by people who have co ...

    - 2015/06/12 - 9:46pm

  17. Fanfiction and Copyrights

    When writing fanfiction, like the current Comics Retcon Universe stuff, it's polite and considerate to acknowledge the current copyright and/or trademark holders, when known. Especially if using artwork or logos. Just a line near the top or bottom of ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 2 comments

  18. PayPal Problem

    Someone raided my PayPal account for $400. Paypal was suspicious so they flagged the transaction but NOT before charging my credit card. I contacted the seller and they have agreed to refund the charges so it will get resolved. Meanwhile I have to wonder ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 8 comments

  19. Thunder and Lightning

    I may not be on much today, there's thunderstorms and flashfloods predicted for this area from now till the early morning. We're pretty safe from flashfloods, there are arroyos either side of me to channel the rainwater away but lightning, winds ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 2 comments

  20. August 9th, 2010- 16,586 visitors, 45,847 pages viewed

    That's a record number of visitors to BC on Monday, August 9th. It's also 177% of the average number of visitors in August of last year. The average for August this year is just about 150% of last year. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:41pm - 3 comments
