
Search results

  1. Happy Holidays

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Best wishes to Erin and all of the Elfettes of Big Closet. Jill ...

    - 2012/03/26 - 7:27am

  2. The Definition of Insanity

    A giant redwood fell over the other day and was featured on the daily evening news. It seems this tree was old. Older than me. I wonder what it figured out about life that caused it to uproot itself. After I posted my last story I asked myself... What the ...

    - 2011/12/24 - 11:00am - 7 comments

  3. Ping Jiang

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Is anyone aware of a TG story that is based on the RL relationship between Ping Jiang and Andrew Tong? Thanks. Jill ...

    - 2011/11/04 - 7:05pm - 5 comments

  4. Oh for Gosh Sakes FM!!!!!

    Who REALLY cares? A few months ago one of the "writers" on this site asked if anyone minded if he rewrote their stories and published them under his name. I stated flatly I didn't want him to go near mine and to my knowledge he hasn't. ...

    - 2011/07/29 - 7:04pm - 11 comments

  5. One Lump... Or NONE

    You’re sitting at your group’s favorite table, sipping scrumptious mixtures of coffee, ice, chocolate, and cream. Everyone has spent two to three minutes each sharing stories to “catch up”. It’s your turn. You’ve got a great story to tell them, but they ...

    - 2011/07/29 - 4:39pm - 7 comments

  6. Fetish, Anyone?

    Cross-dressing isn’t all that hard to understand. Somewhere along the line the word fetish took on a negative connotation. A fetish is an inanimate object that is felt to have magical or spiritual powers. What is negative about that? Comments on this boar ...

    - 2011/07/29 - 4:39pm - 16 comments

  7. A Shot Across BC's Bow?

    The FAMiLY LEADER is a political organization whose president propelled Mike Huckabee to a win in the Iowa caucuses. They've designed a pledge to vet presidential candidates. Two candida ...

    - 2011/07/29 - 4:39pm - 29 comments

  8. Men Don’t Hold a Monopoly on Ignorant Behavior

    Last night I watched an enlightening documentary on homophobic, college coaches. Yes, the villain in this film is a woman. Rene Portland, a women’s basketball coach at Penn State for twenty-seven years, openly had a “no lesbians allowed” rule. She not on ...

    - 2011/07/01 - 10:01pm - 17 comments

  9. The Other Side of the Suspension

    It’s been forty-one years since I last taught a high school class. I went into business rather than to make the kind of “mistake” I watched everyone else in my family make. My mother and father were teachers. My three older siblings all were teachers... ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 12:56am - 12 comments

  10. To Bear with Unbearable Sorrow

    For many who frequent BC, a goal has been to achieve the unattainable. We come to BC frustrated. We deem ourselves to have too many male secondary sex traits to succeed in a physical transformation. For a while we read TG fiction to lose ourselves in a wo ...

    - 2011/06/18 - 11:10am - 6 comments

  11. Woe Is Me

    Don't you ever get tired of angst, whining, and self-pity? There has to be something positive in your life. You are in charge of your attitude. That's a fact. It isn't just a bumper-sticker. Life is about change. Good stories are about chan ...

    - 2011/06/18 - 11:10am - 12 comments

  12. Do I Suck?

    Recently an author asked if her writing sucked. Since writing is such a personal journey let's make that "Do I suck?" Every author on Big Closet should look at Sue Brown's latest story... the second book of Football Girl. It is as good ...

    - 2011/06/03 - 9:52am - 19 comments