
Search results

  1. Caught in the Act

    Author:  Samantha P Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Fiction Posted by author(s) Caught in the Act by Samantha P ...

    - 2009/08/03 - 2:26pm - 1 comment

  2. Devils own

    Synopsis: never get between a mother and daughter, if so you suffer the consequences, especially if you do not know who the mother is. ...

    - 2006/07/12 - 1:16am - 3 comments

  3. From Dreams To Reality

    Synopsis: We all have dreams, sometimes they come true, read on to find out what happens. Thanks to Joni and Karen for proofing this. Any problems left are mine and mine alone. Hope you enjoy. ...

    - 2006/10/21 - 10:36am - 5 comments

  4. Runway and Show Me Xmas posting

    Hi all Samantha here Just to let you know that I have family down over xmas and posting may be a bit sparodic.I have Runway parts 26- 27- 28- 29 all proofed and back with Arecee, also I have Show Me parts 17 and 18 partial proofed. I will try and post as ...

    - 2007/12/17 - 4:23pm

  5. posting in BC

    Due to recent happenings on topshelf, big closet with sephrena being in the hospital and erin's mum, as i have editor status I have temporarily taken on the daunting task of sorting out outlines and headings, if they need doing. ...

    - 2008/01/14 - 2:26pm - 11 comments

  6. Gabyzone IRC access

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Piper has been upgrading the IRC software for the servers (hosts #gabyzone). Most access is now restored. Samantha (irc gabyzone net admin) ...

    - 2008/10/12 - 5:05am - 1 comment

  7. Saless stories

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Which story is first in her series venus cursed or dreamwalker?? Ive started reading venus cursed then noticed dreamwalker references???? any ideas??? ...

    - 2009/07/12 - 3:38am - 4 comments

  8. Accidental majic

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Anyone know whats happening with this? by Allystra let me know please ...

    - 2009/08/30 - 12:59pm - 2 comments

  9. Story Search

    I am after a story I recall reading a few years back, cannot remember the story title but there was a ts boy in it that had built up a stash of clothes in an abandoned railhouse and found a suitcase with a load of female clothes in it an assumed that pers ...

    - 2009/12/05 - 5:25am - 4 comments

  10. Front page Terror contest

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Once you have voted in the current contest is there a way to remove the post at the top of the screen so it no longer shows? ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:50pm - 3 comments

  11. Duty Calls?

    Samantha Page's blog Author:  Samantha P Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Whats happened to Duty Calls, was coming out regularly then stopped, anyone know what's happening to it? ...

    - 2014/04/18 - 9:03pm - 2 comments

  12. missing stories on front screen

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites For some reason when I logged in this morning I got a weird front screen, it loads details on left, no stories and nothing on right, I have to click on s ...

    - 2014/08/10 - 9:20am - 1 comment

  13. front page settings

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Seems when I try to alter my settings for front page in my account it doesn't work, I have the blog option ticked but not on my front screen when logged in, also there are now 2 adds, 1 top left and other ...

    - 2014/10/10 - 12:24am - 3 comments

  14. Front Page arghhhh

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Whats happened to the front page font, its minute, its also changed the other pages, trouble reading here ...

    - 2015/03/04 - 8:12am - 4 comments

  15. more shortcuts

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog any way to hide the more shortcuts at the top, when I am on my phone I need to scroll down to see what stories are out ...

    - 2015/03/07 - 7:49am - 1 comment

  16. ads on right

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog lots of ads appeared on the right, will there be a option to not them show appear in the my account section ...

    - 2015/04/03 - 10:42pm - 1 comment

  17. Drew's meltdown

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Whats happened to Drew's meltdown, was getting a couple a day near enough then stopped? ...

    - 2015/06/05 - 11:09pm - 2 comments

  18. New universe coming soon

    Author:  Samantha P Samantha Page's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine Well its been a few years since I wrote something. Had a nap earlier and thought of a new universe. It will be called the Cromag universe. Parts will be coming as and when I w ...

    - 2015/06/05 - 11:09pm - 2 comments

  19. Cromag Universe

    Author:  Samantha P Organizational:  Universe Page Audience Rating:  Mature Subjects (pg15) Other Keywords:  sci-fi Extra Terestrial Empowerment from transgenderism. This is a brand new universe dealing with other worlds, Earth and a special child called ...

    - 2015/05/30 - 1:28pm

  20. Abnormalies Part 1

    Samantha P CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) 17,500 < Novella < 40,000 words Transgender Transformations Science Fiction Other Worlds Adventure Romance Preteen or Intermediate College / Twenties Disguises / On the Run / In Hiding Fresh Start ...

    - 2015/05/31 - 8:32am - 5 comments
