
Search results

  1. What to do...

    Just finished up at Mayo and got all the results back. Not sure what to do yet, as I am still thinking about the choices. Do I stop transitioning so that I can get infusions sub-cutaneously every 2-3 days for the rest of my life, or do I see how long I ca ...

    - 2008/07/03 - 11:34am - 6 comments

  2. Mentoring?

    Author:  geekydee geekydee's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Transitions / Transitioning / Real Life Test Okay, I am not sure what else to call it, but I was approached by someone the other day about my experiences transitioning ...

    - 2008/09/22 - 1:06pm - 5 comments

  3. Little internet what are you quiz fun thingy...

    Author:  geekydee geekydee's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Came acoross a little internet fun-type quiz thing and thought I would share:) ...

    - 2008/10/02 - 1:22am - 10 comments

  4. Write or Die?

    Was perusing the vast intartbes and came across an interesting concept: ...

    - 2008/11/11 - 9:22am - 7 comments

  5. quick question:

    Does anyone have the chapter listing for Book 5 of Gaby in chronological order? I tried reading but can't wrap the sleepy blonde brain cells around the chapters and put them in order... Thanks! ...

    - 2009/07/02 - 6:30am - 3 comments

  6. Bad joke from my brother

    My brother, who initially had a hard time with my transitioning, sent me this, among others: A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend. ...

    - 2009/08/12 - 6:15pm - 2 comments

  7. What I learned during my Summer Vacation

    What I learned during my Summer Vacation By Becky Dunbar English Composition and Grammar I It started like the usual summer fare; glad to be out of school for the summer, just hanging around with friends, the usual Summer Vacation stuff. I was luxuriating ...

    - 2009/09/06 - 1:16pm - 8 comments

  8. Patrick Swayze 1952-2009

    Author:  geekydee geekydee's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A very sad day for family friends and fans alike. Patrick Swayze passed away last night from Ppancreatic cancer ...

    - 2009/09/15 - 5:43am - 2 comments

  9. Looking for info on terran made celestial objects

    I am looking for information on terran made celestial objects, intra- and inter-system, including location, trajectory and purpose. A story just popped into my head and won't let me be. Thanks:) Diana ...

    - 2009/10/06 - 4:29pm - 8 comments

  10. hospitals and stuff

    I have decided I don't care much for hospitals and emergency rooms at the moment. You go in and they want to poke, prod and otherwise torture you, when all you wanted in the first place was one simple little shot adenosine to stop the tachycardia. Fi ...

    - 2009/10/07 - 1:54pm - 9 comments

  11. History's End

    "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."-- Thomas Jefferson All Hallow's Eve; Hallowe'en; the holiday so crucial to my personal journey of self-discovery. It's hard to believe it has been almost a year since HE won the electio ...

    - 2009/11/02 - 11:20pm - 10 comments

  12. This just in! Cats are EVIL!

    This just in: Cats are EVIL! According to a rescent BBC news story, researchers at the University of Sussex have made new discoveries regarding the multitude of methods by which cats manipulate humans. For more on this story, see here. This is not in refe ...

    - 2009/11/22 - 12:19pm - 14 comments

  13. Anyone else despise ads?

    I wonder how much it would cast me for Erin to block the viagra ads that Project Wonderful is now pumping out? I understand the advertising is a necessary evil, but what transgendered person wants to take viagra, of all things?!?!? GAHHHH!!!!!!!!! Please ...

    - 2009/11/24 - 8:09pm - 4 comments

  14. Happy Holidays

    Merry Christmas all! Was watching my list of favorite Christmas videos and noticed a comment on Weird Al's "Christmas at Ground Zero" ( and thought one of you all might have been there and made a c ...

    - 2011/05/26 - 7:21pm

  15. So, any geeks out there?

    So, anyone have a favorite backup/recovery plan? I just lost 2 terrabyte drives and they took the other 2 with them (all satas). For some reason, the usb drives went out as well and took the drivers for the 2 other tb drives with them. I know the 2 drives ...

    - 2011/05/26 - 7:21pm - 14 comments

  16. What to do

    Author:  geekydee geekydee's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Just got back from third ER visit in 10 days and doctors have decided to put me on house arrest, er, home rest and keep me home from work until I can get a cardiac abla ...

    - 2011/05/26 - 7:21pm - 7 comments

  17. Recent Stories and blogs got me thinking

    Author:  geekydee geekydee's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Religious history With the Lilim story happening and other recent theological discussions, I started wondering about the whole Genesis thing. ...

    - 2011/05/26 - 7:21pm - 3 comments

  18. From the Other Side

    geekydee CAUTION: Suicide General Audience (pg) 500 < Short Story < 7500 words Transgender Teenage or High School Posted by author(s) Zach loved the outdoors: the fresh air, the open spaces, the rugged mountains, the sheer diversity of nature. Maybe ...

    - 2010/08/21 - 6:04pm - 14 comments

  19. Geekydee

    Author:  geekydee Organizational:  Author Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Transgender Fiction Posted by author(s) Geekydee Stories ...

    - 2010/08/15 - 11:22pm

  20. need to thump my brother

    Ok, so my brother sends me a youtube link: And it is Weird Al with Drivin a Truck, reminiscent of those old truck driving songs, but with a Monty Pythonesque twist... ...

    - 2011/05/26 - 7:21pm - 5 comments
