
Search results

  1. Just a short entry. I'm sick

    Have been for the better part of a week. Got a severe cold/flu/plague/something or other. Sorry to those I usually chat with, but this thing is kicking my ass. Back when I get somewhere near what I laughingly refer to as healthy. Cathy ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 2 comments

  2. Still Sick.

    I am SLOWLY getting a bit better, but I am still way below normal functional parameters. Again, I apologise to those with whom I usually chat, but my awake times have been so erratic, and I've lost so much time that errands and tasks I'd planned ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 5 comments

  3. Looks like the "Phantom Hitter" is at it again.

    Since yesterday, my stories have received 117 total hits on them. While I'm pleased by the number of hits, it's very unusual to get that many hits on old works in one day, and I wonder if there isn't someone out there doing this on purpose? ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:42am - 7 comments