
Search results

  1. The REAL Bikini Beach?

    So...I'm watching TV a few nights ago, got the dish network now...LOTS more channels and less money than cable. Anyway, I'm on the computer at the same time when I catch a phrase from the TV about a place called, BIKINI BEACH!!!! Well, of course ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:44am - 3 comments

  2. A video featuring a speech that could be delivered by any one of us.

    The video is from a STNG episode which had Ryker falling for an androgenous person from another world who's civilization frowns on having only one gender... in fact, they consider it a crime and they have a "cure" for the perverse members o ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:43am - 5 comments

  3. 63 years young today.

    So why do I feel three days older than dirt? I'm so frustrated right now with the VA, with life, with damn near everything actually. I won't go into any of that in this blog, since you all have your own problems to deal with. Remember that BUTTO ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:43am - 8 comments

  4. Update. Re: Medical problem. Surgery finally scheduled.

    Another trip to the Buffalo VA hospital yesterday wore me out. However... I finally have a surgery date. May 17th. What I am suffering from, initially diagnosed as a hernia has now been re-diagnosed as an internal cyst. Basically it's a swelling in m ...

    - 2011/05/02 - 12:43am - 9 comments