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  1. deleted entry

    Author:  Blogger Organizational:  Title Page Audience Rating:  EXTREMELY EXPLICIT ...

    - 2018/10/13 - 7:29pm

  2. Reading Old Bike when pages went purple?

    Author:  Blogger ANGEL EYES's blog Blog About:  News Item my pages have turned purple. I cleared my history search etc. how to fix?? ...

    - 2018/03/19 - 9:29pm - 1 comment

  3. For the cyclists out there

    Author:  Blogger Annachie's blog ...

    - 2018/02/04 - 11:47am - 2 comments

  4. TV Transgender Superhero

    Author:  Blogger Anne Galliver's blog Hello, I have just read that the TV series Supergirl is to get a Transgender Superhero. Here is the link: This leads me to ask a question. Why are superheros such an A ...

    - 2018/07/28 - 1:43pm - 17 comments

  5. Looking for a story

    Author:  Blogger Astariane's blog Hello, I'm looking for a story. It's about a young man who get punished instead of his best friend. She/he ends up a dressmaker and must fight some evil spirit of vengence. It might be on BC or on Fictionma ...

    - 2018/04/15 - 12:05pm - 3 comments

  6. "A Change Will Do You Good" dialogue sample for chapter 2

    Author:  Blogger Aylesea Malcolm's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing a segment from chapter II: "Every day is a Winding Road" Spencer is in Orange Beach, Alabama, walking to the beach to join the rest of his extended fam ...

    - 2018/10/01 - 10:33am - 1 comment

  7. Kunoichi

    Author:  Blogger Aylesea Malcolm's blog ...

    - 2018/10/05 - 8:21am - 2 comments

  8. Texas Two Step

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Angela wrote a very telling story about a northern girl transplanted to the deep south. The research she did to get everything real in a story of fiction was more than amazing. Or was it fiction??? ...

    - 2018/01/19 - 7:22pm - 1 comment

  9. 10 Most Trending Book to Movie adaptations 2018

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog I looked at this and wondered what in the cat hair is going on? The dismal movie audience attendance for 2017 has been in the cellar. Now they want to put this mmmm, out there to entertain and entice the public back ...

    - 2018/01/30 - 9:07pm - 10 comments

  10. BCTS Funds

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog I'll send a few cents in respect to "commentator" who straightened up the graphics on my last story, among other things. Time is something we all have a limited amount of. I can not replace the time he ...

    - 2018/02/14 - 1:55pm - 1 comment

  11. It takes money to pay the bills, keep BCTS running

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog I don't know any of the ladies personally but I do know why they started BCTS. They did it out of love and thinking they could provide for all the orphan writers out there a place to lay their stories to rest so ...

    - 2018/04/17 - 5:52pm - 4 comments

  12. NYT Best Seller List or a Crony List?

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Many years ago, yes we were publishers then, the NYT listed a book title as a NYT Best Seller. It hadn't even been written yet. I believe everyone in the publishing business knew the NYT was a Wine and Dine list ...

    - 2018/05/02 - 6:37pm - 13 comments

  13. Graphic won't upload

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Tried to upload a jpg file 1,013 kb with story. Receiving message file is too large to upload, need less than 2 MB Okay, I'm less than the upload limit and the problem exists where? ...

    - 2018/05/07 - 6:37am - 1 comment

  14. Last of the Fey

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Denise Anesidora Trask, wrote the story, The Last of the Fey. It's titled Book One. I wish I had met this amazing woman. Sadly the best I can do is to make a dona ...

    - 2018/05/23 - 1:50pm - 5 comments

  15. Murder is sad, trans murder is worse

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Everyone should be aware no matter how progressive the world seems, there is still hate of all kinds. Name a race, religion, color, gender, man, boy, woman, girl, etc. there is someone who hates another for one unexp ...

    - 2018/05/23 - 1:50pm

  16. Slowly Trans acceptance coming

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Those outside looking in who are scared to death to acknowledge anyone might wish to get rid of their water weasel will never accept transgender as a viable issue. Their whole world of who and what they are is connec ...

    - 2018/06/02 - 1:15pm - 5 comments

  17. July contest

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog July 2018 Contest Announcement: Staycation! Rasufelle posted there would be another contest. So..., is everyone digging in? ...

    - 2018/06/25 - 11:37am - 2 comments

  18. Always be ready for problems

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog It's been more than X amount of years I began warning the girls to find a lawyer before they found themselves facing harassment from the police or anyone else. Trying to think of who one could call when in the b ...

    - 2018/07/07 - 12:49pm - 12 comments

  19. Massaging and Breast Growth

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog massaging and breast growth ...

    - 2018/09/07 - 6:13pm - 2 comments

  20. Oklahoma isn't all bad seed

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog After reading about the mistreatment of the young lady in SE Oklahoma I felt everyone needed to see this one. ...

    - 2018/09/10 - 7:11pm - 3 comments
