
Search results

  1. First Blog and Hello All!

    Hello people of topshelf, I have finally started to do something other than lurk and post the odd comment, though I've only been here for about a month anyway. So I'll start by telling you how I found topshelf; It's actually quite a long st ...

    - 2011/07/27 - 10:32pm - 10 comments

  2. Summer, Tesla Coils and Editing

    Hey Everyone, college has broken up for the summer and I'm planning to spend a lot more time writing. I'm also, as a slightly random idea, going to build a tesla coil. I'm probably going to build the type that uses a spark gap but it would ...

    - 2011/07/27 - 10:32pm - 6 comments

  3. Shaving Mishap

    Hey BC, last week I had a go at shaving my legs for the first time. Turns out it was a bad idea as I was unprepared, though I managed not to cut myself at least. My advice if you have lots of hair have a bag full of disposable razors at the ready. I blunt ...

    - 2011/07/27 - 10:32pm - 7 comments

  4. Slime Girls

    Has anyone, ever, written a slime/goo girl story that isn't just fetish fuel but actually has a plot? If someone knows of one could someone give me a link? ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:48pm - 4 comments

  5. Note to self

    Author:  Blogger Annachie's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Note to self. Next time I need to take the clothes dryer off of the wall to fix the belt, take the 4" stiletto's off first.:) ...

    - 2012/08/02 - 4:43pm - 11 comments

  6. Chris Dale RIP

    I just thought I would pass on the link to the Daily Telegraph obituary for Chris Dale. He was a 6ft 6in mountaineer, with a passion for solo climbs. He was also a cross-dresser who went by the name of Crystal. ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 3 comments

  7. A supportive mum

    A supportive mum In today’s Sun is the following article. A mum is being positive in her child’s change. It is a mainly positive article, even some of the comments are positive, well I never. Here’s the link: ...

    - 2011/06/11 - 8:47pm - 7 comments

  8. Cathyland the tour

    Author:  Blogger Anne Galliver's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A few days ago, I sent a word document to a friend to give her a smile and perhaps think about a tour of Portsmouth, where I live. As all you merry band of follower ...

    - 2011/06/15 - 1:08pm - 9 comments

  9. It gets better advert

    It Gets Better I just watched this advert for Google Chrome UK. I thought it would be worth sharing. Here’s the link Love Anne G. ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 12:59am - 8 comments

  10. Radio 4 programme

    For those who are able to listen to BBC Radio 4. Starting on Monday 20th June in woman’s hour drama is Annabel by Kathleen Winter. Here’s the link to Radio4 It’s a story about an intersex child growing up in Canada ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 12:59am - 3 comments

  11. For romantics everywhere

    For romantics everywhere This has no transgender element in the story. However, for all of the visitors to this site who love a good romantic story this is for you. He has arranged it all just to propose, so click the link and shed a tear of happiness. ht ...

    - 2011/12/31 - 10:07am - 4 comments

  12. Lady Fairburn's moles

    Lady Fairburn’s moles This is for all the readers of Susan Brown’s wonderful Penmarris stories who somehow believe that Lady Fairburn’s problems with moles are, how can I say this, somewhat exaggerated. If the link below works, you can hear that Baroness ...

    - 2012/01/01 - 10:12am - 18 comments

  13. Well as Jezzi once said "I'm back"....

    Been a busy six months- sold one home and moved about 100 miles to a new home. Still surrounded by boxes but this contraption seems to be working. When I turned it on though I had lost all my contact names and addresses so starting from scratch. ...

    - 2011/05/31 - 8:27pm - 1 comment

  14. Still Here

    This is just a quick note to let those who keep track know that I'm still present. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:50pm - 1 comment

  15. Bridges and the Town of Fairbanks.

    I just wanted to make it clear the town of Fairbanks in my story isn't located in Alaska it's a town I made up in Alberta. It is not in Alaska. I made sure to mention that the town was in Alberta. And Just to Clarify things, Bridgeview is made u ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:32am - 6 comments

  16. Disheartened?

    I usually don't post much on my blog here. But like the title says I'm feeling disheartened and honestly once again like way too many people do It's about the comments. I've looked for the flavors of whatever seems to be the choice of ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:32am - 11 comments

  17. It was neat to me.

    I was watching Food Network...Big Surprise. But I saw this show called "Tough Cookies." It turns out it's in Ocean City New Jersey. And that's where Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian is set. Kinda neat. *Hugs* Bailey. ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:32am - 3 comments

  18. Looking for an Editor for my Halloween Story

    Author:  Blogger Beyogi's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Hi everyone, I've just finished my halloween story and I'd be greatful if someone could edit it. As you may or may not know, english is not my mother tongue and ...

    - 2011/11/02 - 11:27am - 2 comments

  19. Worst job ever for a male

    Hi, I'm writing another story and I'm thinking about a f2m punishment transformation. The reverse has been done way too often, and I want to give my characters something to think and maybe to regret. Many evil guys tend to be transformed into wh ...

    - 2011/11/02 - 11:27am - 28 comments

  20. When the rapist is the victim

    Yesterday I reread an old story of Lorrain B. It's the alien within. The protagonist wakes up in a female body and a male person stalks the new her and is pissed about the protagonist stealing his life/baby. He goes completly bonkers and breaks in an ...

    - 2012/03/18 - 4:43pm - 5 comments
