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  1. My Wife passed on this morning.

    Sadly, I must inform everyone that my wife Nancy, ended her 1 year, 7 mo struggle with lung cancer this morning, 31 Jul 2010 at 0730 hrs. She passed peacefully in her sleep which is all I hoped for. Her goal after being informed of having the cancer was t ...

    - 2011/09/16 - 11:56am - 26 comments

  2. Skin Horse

    Author:  Blogger Dayna's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Dark Horse Found this link while bored outta my tree surfing links from IRC. nobody ...

    - 2011/06/11 - 4:24am

  3. A story idea if any author wants to use...

    I have long enjoyed reading the many good stories on BCTS which involve magic, mystery and intrigue. On occasion I get some good story ideas, yet lack the skill (my opinion) to write a good tale. I guess my style is more akin to writing an operating manua ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:38pm - 5 comments

  4. Amanda's Eyes- Chapter 15 posted on Fictioneer

    Author:  Blogger woody's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) posted a short chapter 15 to keep the story going. More to come. ...

    - 2012/11/13 - 1:09am - 2 comments

  5. Images 6

    I posted Images 6 tonight and it's doing really well. But... I wrote in it a scene that relays or tries to the character Jenna going back to God and reviving her faith.The character Jenna grew up within a mixed faith home with a very Catholic Quebec ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:32am - 4 comments

  6. Pet Names

    Have recently been thinking back to a time as a child when I had a pet cat and came up with a name that was out of the ordinary. My mother had bought me a Burmese Brown kitten when I was 13, I remember mum asking what name I wanted to name my him- with pe ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:38pm - 9 comments

  7. Gay Marriage

    Author:  Blogger Puddintane's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) The recent victory against in the California Superior Court shouldn't be taken for more than what it is, since it's only a regional court, but it's also ...

    - 2014/02/09 - 4:19pm

  8. Images 10 update.

    Hello. I'm just writing to let the fans know that chapter 10 is in the works, I mean it's my very first 10th chapter of anything so I'm going to try to take some time with it and try to make it a good one. Plus I'm back from my two day ...

    - 2011/10/17 - 10:32am

  9. Do you dream?

    I do not remember my dreams... when I wake up its almost as if no time has gone by but I feel strangely refreshed and almost able to face the day... after 9 more minutes... or maybe 18. I'm curious, does anyone else either not dream or have dreams th ...

    - 2011/06/11 - 4:24am - 10 comments

  10. Hilary P’s Rant

    Author:  Blogger Hilary P's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Younger Audience (g/y) A Most Annoying Practice Commenting on your own stories… I have noticed that a number of authors on this site have started replying to every readers comment on a story ...

    - 2010/08/10 - 12:28pm - 48 comments

  11. The Center character webpage

    The Center Characters website I've been a huge fan of The Center universe, and at the rate the stories are coming out, I thought it might be useful to have a resource to keep track of the ever-growing number of characters. That is why I've put t ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:41pm - 5 comments

  12. Big Closet Membership Benefits

    Big Closet Membership Benefits We've all heard about what happens when you join the Hatbox, the site continues, thousands of people are transported to various and sundry states of bliss — the exact nature of which is a matter of personal preference — ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:41pm

  13. Rise of 'Mamils'

    I have just read the article below about the rise of ‘Mamils’ that’s Middle Aged Men In Lycra, Now I know what word to use, when all those cyclists on Southsea seafront, zoom past me on my morning exercise Now, ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 2 comments

  14. Typographical Errors?

    Typographical Errors? ...

    - 2014/02/09 - 4:05pm - 17 comments

  15. Southern Comfort Conference

    Who from here is attending the Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta, GA USA. It is September 8th thru the 12th. This is my first year going and will be dressed as my female self for the first time in public the whole week of September 6th thru the 13th. ...

    - 2012/07/15 - 5:20pm - 2 comments

  16. Four Sites "Banned" from Network.

    Hello Everyone, This evening I was shocked to learn that this site was "Banned" from the "Network" Presumably that was, which is my ISP. The notice appeared on a page that had the logos of OPEN-DNS. It stated the blockage ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 12 comments

  17. What happened to Wendy Pilgrim?

    Came by to look for the latest chapter of Wendy Pilgrim by Nancy Cole and all of Nancy's stuff is deleted again. Did someone leave a comment better left unsaid? I am disappointed that another author has left. I really wanted to find out who the Colon ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 11 comments

  18. If Only

    Author:  Blogger Stef's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 2 comments

  19. Superheroes- From the Guardian

    Superheroes: A Warning Interesting podcast from The Guardian The portion on Superheroes starts at 27:20 Her thesis is that the film versions of superhero characters are typically hypermasculinised in comparison to the stories portrayed in the comics the c ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 3 comments

  20. Fringe Cycling

    Fringe Cycling from The Guardian Nude cycling? Bike Jousting? Alive from Off Centre! ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:40pm - 14 comments
