
Search results

  1. WWWeeeeeeee, It is official (well sort of)

    After many false starts and a few shaky falls I am thankful to say... my operations are not only scheduled for July in Thailand, but paid for. It is never easy this road we travel on, but I have to state, it is satisfying; especially as I check off my men ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:21pm - 8 comments

  2. Chapter 13 of Amanda's Eyes posted on Fictioneer

    Author:  Blogger woody's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I've posted Chapter 13 of Amanda's Eyes on Fictioneer. There was some interest here so I wanted to let you know. No tg content. Sorry for the long delay. ...

    - 2012/06/26 - 1:21pm - 2 comments

  3. Sex-Change Medical Costs Are Tax-Deductible, U.S. Court Rules

    This was on YaHoo News this Morning! Richard Feb. 3 (Bloomberg)-- Costs incurred in sex-change operations and procedures are tax-deductible, the U.S. Tax Court ruled. The Washington-based court ruled yesterday that hormone therapies and sex reassignment s ...

    - 2011/06/13 - 7:43pm - 6 comments

  4. For Gabyphiles, Bonziphiles and Anglophiles

    If you ever wonder what its doing over in London, want to check the weather, do they really get snow? watch the double decker busses cross the bridge, tour boats on the Thames, maybe catch the bridge up? Or just to see the tide height against the bridge. ...

    - 2011/05/24 - 11:13am - 4 comments

  5. Cutaway

    Seen at the Wellington Sevens (ostensibly a sporting occasion, but in reality a giant fancy dress party). Reference Panties Shown ...

    - 2011/04/28 - 3:43pm - 3 comments

  6. One for cat lovers

    For all of you who thought that cats were just pets, the truth has emerged. It seems they prefer owners to have a University Degree.:-) See the link below: Does this explain why many writers here have cats? Love t ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 2 comments

  7. New occasional series from Maddy!

    I've just posted the first part of a new series here on BC, Hope you like it, i'm planning on taking it a long way! It's based loosely on the Yubisaki Milk Tea Manga, if you ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 7:43pm

  8. Portia Bennet's works

    Im very interested in reading some Portia Bennet stories it seems some of them, are like to know if they are and in what order.I got a little ocd and it dictates how and what i read sometimes ...

    - 2012/01/16 - 2:31pm - 2 comments

  9. What happened to, "The Half-Lillin?"

    Author:  Blogger G.K.S's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I just realized, it seems to no longer be on the site. O_O Does anyone know what happened to it? Can't remember who wrote it either. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:33pm - 1 comment

  10. DSM-V "Gender Incongruence"

    I ran accross this nugget: A commentary on the proposed changes to the DSM-IV for the new DSM-V, dropping the "Identity Disorder" from the name tag and reduce the stigma of it being a mental i ...

    - 2011/05/24 - 11:13am - 4 comments

  11. Wow! just looked

    on my account and realized i've just celebrated my first birthday, Thanks everyone for making my time here so very enjoyable, But most of all my thanks to Erin and all her helpers, Because without all there hard work, I would'nt be writing this. ...

    - 2011/11/08 - 3:24pm - 1 comment

  12. A TG Assassin?

    Hello After reading the somewhat bizarre story about the alleged assassins who killed a hamas leader in Dubai, my ‘tg radar’ started to twitch. Far be it for me to cast aspersions but I have doubts over the photograph showing the Irish ‘woman’ Gail Follar ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 3 comments

  13. A positive Article

    Hello, I read this article in today’s Daily Mail. Whilst this is a positive story, some of the comments on the web site leave me fuming. See the article for yourself: I wish the family all th ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 12:56pm - 3 comments

  14. Sex hormone progesterone to get head injury trial

    News story on the BBC web site: Previous studies have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tiss ...

    - 2011/05/05 - 11:28pm - 4 comments

  15. Can anybody answer

    a little question for me please?.... Being the complete computer dunce i am, Could someone please explain how i set up a link to an article i think others might enjoy. Any help would be very much appreciated. Kirri ...

    - 2011/11/08 - 3:24pm - 9 comments

  16. Speaking of Cats or I haven't posted anything useless in a while

    Katy aka Katybug in the picture below used to have all black whiskers. It wasn't until a couple of years ago she started getting any of the white ones. She's going to be 11 on March 8th:) Brittany on the other hand, who lived to be almost 19 las ...

    - 2012/01/02 - 9:38pm - 6 comments

  17. Princess Sarah wears what she pleases!

    Author:  Blogger GeekGirl's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) The Princess is a cute new webcomic about a young transgirl; I found it via Feministing. ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:33pm - 15 comments

  18. Well it was fun while it lasted!

    Author:  Blogger ChrisW's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I just got my 60 day notice to, "TERMINATE TENANCY" ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 8:35pm - 8 comments