
Search results

  1. The Tale of the Rebel Chieftain

    The Tale of The Rebel Chieftain By Ellie Dauber (c)) 1999 Hear, o most noble friend, of the tale of the Jafar, the rebel chieftain, and of the wisdom of the Sultan, Amahl, who ended that rebellion in a manner strange and magical; pleasantly and with but t ...

    - 2014/08/23 - 12:59pm - 10 comments

  2. Tales of the Eerie Saloon: High Noon-- How It All Began (Part 1)

    Synopsis: The Hanks Gang rides into the town of Eerie, Arizona to kill the sheriff, but thanks to Shamus' potion, their plans are very much changed. ...

    - 2006/08/08 - 9:23pm - 4 comments

  3. Altered Fates: The Wife

    Synopsis: This is the sequel to "Altered Fates: The Husband". Julio, the gardener, has become the new Edward Lassiter, attentive and virile, while the original Edward is now a submissive maid. Corinne Lassiter thought that she had the perfect li ...

    - 2006/08/14 - 5:55am - 7 comments

  4. Girl for a Spell

    Synopsis: Alan thought he'd have an easy time when Aunt Therese moved in to take care of him. She decided that a change was in order, and that a niece would be easier to deal with. ...

    - 2018/09/23 - 1:35pm - 11 comments