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  1. My Super Secret Life-1.

    My Super secret life I guess it started like, about a month ago yanno? See I really screwed up but like not back then. I mean really screwed up and I’m in trouble I think I could like go to like jail or like mebbe even like uhm die. See my name in Sunny, ...

    - 2011/01/12 - 6:45pm - 13 comments

  2. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-1

    Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian. I stared at “that” tattooed on my arm through the haze of a hangover. Amy, my girlfriend or my on again off again girl friend was asleep mildly snoring on the other arm. And it was dead, no feeling in it completely asleep. I ...

    - 2011/05/06 - 10:45pm - 20 comments

  3. My Super Secret Life-4.

    My Super Secret Life-4. Chapter 4 I’d been home at Mom and Dad’s insistence for a few days now. They just wanted me to adjust to being home and safe while keeping me clear of my friends and Mattie. I still talked to them online but it was hard to not pull ...

    - 2011/02/25 - 2:22pm - 7 comments

  4. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-2

    Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-2 Chapter-2 At first it’s dark and then there’s this swirl of things flashing around me in the way they catch you up on TV for a show by showing you stuff from all the shows before. Then it hits me. As my show starts up. I’m a ...

    - 2011/04/07 - 1:56am - 41 comments

  5. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-7

    Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-7 Chapter 7 I wake up feeling stiff and sore body wise but inside there’s this lighter than air feeling going on. Honestly I’m feeling better inside than I’m used to noticing. I guess it’s kind of…It’s kind of like humidity an ...

    - 2011/08/16 - 3:34pm - 20 comments

  6. My Super Secret Life-9.

    My Super Secret Life-9 Chapter 9 I take a deep breath and try a smile. “Hi…everyone…” Dad’s looking at me. “Sunny we need to talk…” Yeah that happened already, but my mind just had to replay the whole thing because the next thing that he said was. “Now ...

    - 2011/09/09 - 9:47pm - 18 comments

  7. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-8

    Don’t blame Me I’m A Martian-8 Chapter 8 I really try to shake off the funk that I’m in as we head to the theatre to see the movies. I have to because yeah it’s really messed up the way that I am but I can’t really do much about it. And If I let this get ...

    - 2011/09/23 - 10:02pm - 24 comments

  8. My Super Secret Life-16.

    My Super Secret Life-16. Chapter 16 I made a coffee trying to pick one of those mini packs that Alexis might like. I settle for a full fat latte and set the machine. I look over at her/Matt. She’s got her back to the headboard, wearing the blankets like a ...

    - 2012/01/06 - 11:38pm - 13 comments

  9. Scald-Crow 2: Chapter 3- A Day In The Life

    ShadowedSin CAUTION: Attempted Suicide CAUTION: Language CAUTION: Physical or Emotional Abuse CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault CAUTION: Referenced / Discussed Suicide CAUTION: Violence Mature Subjects (pg15) Novel > 40,000 words Transgender Magic Fantasy ...

    - 2021/06/05 - 3:48am - 5 comments