
Search results

  1. No Substitute for Romance by Maryanne Peters on Kindle

    Author:  Maryanne Peters Organizational:  DopplerPress Audience Rating:  Mature Subjects (pg15) If you can't be yourself, be someone else! No Substitute for Romance by Maryanne Peters Book 22 in Mostly Happy Endings Now on Kindle Maryanne finds Mostl ...

    - 2023/12/22 - 7:46pm

  2. Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton- Now on Kindle

    Author:  Joyce Melton Organizational:  DopplerPress Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) This book is about two Sams... Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton Now on Kindle “Sam and Del” starts with a boy named Sam who takes extreme measures to protect his long f ...

    - 2024/06/09 - 1:31pm - 2 comments