
Search results

  1. Vagrants chapter 1.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I looked across the 'field',which was really a large indoor space covered in mats, noticing the clock was winding down. I looked back, and had to slow to wai ...

    - 2013/12/01 - 12:43pm - 10 comments

  2. Vagrants chapter 2.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I groaned as soon as the ball was released...I could see the arc led away from me and right to mouse. I cut as quickly as I could, leaving Joe behind and calculating m ...

    - 2013/12/03 - 12:37am - 8 comments

  3. Vagrants chapter 3.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) The morning began like any other, rise with the alarm, yawn, go in search of my one vice..caffeine (I didn't care what form it took, I'd eat the beans if I h ...

    - 2013/12/09 - 6:06pm - 19 comments

  4. Vagrants chapter 4.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) The concert went well; No shortage of requests, from country to my favorite mixes, and a few of my own minor works. Everyone danced according to their tastes, and I pl ...

    - 2013/12/17 - 6:12pm - 10 comments

  5. Vagrants chapter 7.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I woke to the sound of the alarm, as always. The difference today was, for the first time in my life, I woke up alone. Yesterday, after one last shift my parents had g ...

    - 2015/02/04 - 1:40pm - 16 comments

  6. Room in Hell chapter 11.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Once dressed in my wonderful fatigues, Grex and I hit the lobby. The usual scene, unobtrusive guards, summoners racing to and fro, the manager behind his desk. I pulle ...

    - 2014/01/16 - 7:17am - 19 comments

  7. Room in Hell chapter 12.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) That thrice damned alarm again. Every time I slap it off the nightstand into the wall it breaks, but then is fine and back in position the moment my back is turned. It ...

    - 2014/02/27 - 8:08pm - 5 comments

  8. The shifting approach to adaptation, chapter 1

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Life is never easy. Anyone who tells you life is good, that life is a wonderful miracle, has either got ...

    - 2017/03/04 - 10:05pm - 6 comments

  9. Who's hunting who? Chapter 4.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Posted by author(s) “The day dawned clear and cold. Birdsong traveled a great distance in the clear air, and stars could be seen clearly opposite the sun, as had been possible in days of yore, be ...

    - 2015/01/20 - 9:10am - 11 comments

  10. Who's hunting who? Chapter 5.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Posted by author(s) The Urals were like any number of other mountain ranges. Cold and large. Large and cold. Inhospitable in the extreme. And like all the other inhospitable places the world over ...

    - 2015/03/19 - 11:01am - 12 comments

  11. Who's hunting who? Chapter 6.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Posted by author(s) Several uneventful days of travel eating deer jerky and tough bread. Several days of having Ivan break a trail for us through the snow; the trail hadn't been used in abou ...

    - 2015/06/15 - 1:24am - 11 comments

  12. Memoirs of a magical girl, chapter 1.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Posted by author(s) In my defense, let me state this as a matter of public record. I am not evil, or immoral. I am not a plotting spider at the center of a large web, laughing as I lead others to ...

    - 2015/06/17 - 7:38pm - 25 comments

  13. Who's hunting who? Chapter 7.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Posted by author(s) Well, nothing beat returning a failure. Sure, someone could argue the point that returning at all, after being left in freezing snow, with an epic battle lost. Waking up with ...

    - 2015/07/29 - 2:56pm - 12 comments

  14. Who's hunting who? Chapter 18.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) The morning after, just like all morning afters in the history of the world. I didn't want to get up until my head actually split open and ended the pain. Of cour ...

    - 2018/09/12 - 3:35pm - 5 comments

  15. ....Is you.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) 2017-12 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) "Make my wish come truueee... all I want for Christmas," Jake managed to get out, just before running out of breath. T ...

    - 2017/12/17 - 10:46pm - 9 comments