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  1. A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 1.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility OK, here we are again; except this time, I get to declaim!This is fiction, any similarities to any persons, places, though ...

    - 2013/05/27 - 1:24pm - 12 comments

  2. A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 3.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Here we are again. I disclaim of course, and I think you all for your patience. Now in this installment, we answer those b ...

    - 2013/06/04 - 12:08pm - 15 comments

  3. A personal history of mutation side story: the conversation.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility So here we are again; this is the fun part. A little short, but it is what it is. Standard disclaimer rules apply, don ...

    - 2018/10/27 - 9:57am - 5 comments

  4. A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 4.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Sorry I'm late, got bitten by a gaming bug. So here we are again, standard disclaimers apply. In this episode, the pl ...

    - 2013/06/23 - 7:08pm - 13 comments

  5. A personal history of Mutation sidestory; the second conversation.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Here I am again, with yet another point of view change. These things just keep coming! (File taken from the files of X-ray ...

    - 2013/07/08 - 4:19am - 7 comments

  6. A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 6.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility I'm still here! Just hit a snag or two with real life. So, once again, usual disclaimers apply, and in this episode, ...

    - 2013/07/17 - 7:36am - 21 comments

  7. Archetypes chapter 1

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Magic has always existed in human society. Throughout all of our history, it has been used to explain the unexplainable. From Gods driving chariots across the sky, to witches 3 influenc ...

    - 2017/03/18 - 6:56pm - 6 comments

  8. Archetypes chapter 2.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Here we are again, a small chapter, but they break where they break. Hopefully this explains away most of the obvious questions...standard disclaimers apply of course. The weather in Wa ...

    - 2017/03/18 - 6:59pm - 6 comments

  9. Archetypes chapter 3

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Well I know it's not the chapter everyone is waiting for with baited breath, but it's what you get. Fu is rather insistent, and a fuming Min is someone I can better deal with ...

    - 2013/08/19 - 4:50am - 4 comments

  10. A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 7.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility "Mistress Min, time to wake and ready yourself for school." I rolled over to see Jeeves smiling at me with a tra ...

    - 2013/09/01 - 1:04am - 12 comments

  11. Archetypes chapter 4

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I woke up suddenly, without any of the normal grogginess I'd come to expect in a morning. That dream had been so vivid, I just knew it meant something! Then it hit me all at once. ...

    - 2013/09/16 - 11:14am - 8 comments

  12. Here there be dragons.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Mark Winchester studied the tape's second airing, noting the time lapse in the right hand corner. He then looked in o ...

    - 2013/10/08 - 5:04pm - 5 comments

  13. Room in Hell chapter 1.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I stood patiently in line with the rest of my peers, looking around the old warehouse sized building. Packed bleachers filled with chattering, screaming parentage, the school colors of ...

    - 2017/03/12 - 4:47pm - 15 comments

  14. Room in Hell chapter 2.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I woke with of course, a pounding head, dry mouth, rolling stomach, and other side effects of a night spent drinking while watching a movie marathon. My alarm clock read just after 10am ...

    - 2013/11/09 - 1:04am - 12 comments

  15. Room in Hell chapter 4.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Now normally, I am a young man of iron resolve and nerve of steel. But Today, I, like many of my classmates, I was nervous almost to the point of throwing up. Three months of 10 hour cr ...

    - 2013/11/15 - 11:20pm - 18 comments

  16. Room in Hell chapter 5.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I was floating on cloud nine. City's sweet sixteen had just ended, her parents had gone to bed...and the guest room was at the other end of the house. She was wearing a pink chiffo ...

    - 2013/12/14 - 9:24am - 17 comments

  17. Room in Hell chapter 6.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) On my way back from the department store, my arms filled to muscular protest with clothes and various items like 'better' shampoo, hair conditioner, hair detangler (I mean, se ...

    - 2013/12/14 - 9:25am - 27 comments

  18. A personal history of mutation side story; the P.G.A.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility (The following were notes and an ancient hard drive found aboard the C.E.S Exeter during a routine sweep of uninhabited cr ...

    - 2013/11/28 - 12:09am - 11 comments

  19. Room in Hell chapter 7.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) The alarm was almost pleasant to wake up to; some classical song that was rather dark sounding, but soothing. I idly wondered what radio station it was tuned to. I did not want to leave ...

    - 2013/12/14 - 9:25am - 17 comments

  20. Vagrants chapter 1.

    Nagrij CAUTION: Language Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I looked across the 'field',which was really a large indoor space covered in mats, noticing the clock was winding down. I looked back, and had to slow to wai ...

    - 2013/12/01 - 12:43pm - 10 comments
