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  1. Update

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical My radiators have been fixed so hopefully no more water dripping about the place. My house feels nice and warm again and I'll shall sit down before I open the bill when it arrives. ...

    - 2015/01/14 - 10:08am - 5 comments

  2. The times they are a changing...

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical This week I have sent in my application forms to claim my occupational and state pensions. At times it feels a bit scary, at others I can't wait to retire- the NHS is no place for o ...

    - 2015/04/14 - 11:08pm - 22 comments

  3. Sorry folks

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have a wretched head cold and feel like death warmed up. I'm therefore having an early night and will hopefully feel a bit better tomorrow. ...

    - 2015/05/08 - 9:33pm - 5 comments

  4. An interesting life

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm half way through writing the next episode of Bike when I suddenly realise I hadn't heard the central heating/hot water boiler light up. It's old and noisy. On checking ...

    - 2015/06/26 - 6:50am - 7 comments

  5. Having connection problems

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Life seems to be overwhelming me at the moment. I seem to be perpetually tired so I'm not writing as much as usual and when I do, I have problems posting because my broadband connec ...

    - 2015/07/13 - 11:39am - 3 comments

  6. 29 years

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical 29 years of living and working full time as me- no wonder I feel tired. No regrets, well not major ones. Incidentally, Bike is 8 years old on Thursday. Where does the time go? PS. sorry ...

    - 2015/07/15 - 4:46pm - 4 comments

  7. no bike tonight

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Could have some sort of tummy bug. I've been sick and am going to bed. ...

    - 2015/07/23 - 7:22pm - 6 comments

  8. No Bike

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Went to see Mission Impossible and didn't get home until too late to write. Film was very enjoyable hokum. ...

    - 2015/08/07 - 6:10pm - 3 comments

  9. EAFOAB- life imitates art.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Autobiographical I was nearly terminated while out on a bike ride today, a car came up to a T-junction which I was cycling across and therefore had right of way, when ...

    - 2015/08/31 - 6:50pm - 16 comments

  10. Guess what I was doing last night?

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Sleeping, it wasn't. I saw the 'blood' moon and the eclipse, sadly I couldn't photograph the red colour, which was actually more a brown colour. ...

    - 2015/10/03 - 11:54pm - 10 comments

  11. Just typical...

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I suspect I may have been wished an interesting life as very little runs smoothly. I'm still having awful broadband problems (0.2mbs current speed) despite changing supplier- I susp ...

    - 2015/10/09 - 2:03pm - 14 comments