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  1. April Fools Day! The perfect birthday for me!

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I was told that entered this world about this time of day (As I write this) 73 years ago. ...

    - 2024/04/08 - 3:10pm - 4 comments

  2. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have an excuse to be whacked! Today's my birthday Hope you enjoy the link! Jennifer Sue ...

    - 2015/04/05 - 6:49pm

  3. Getting a bit nervous...

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Last Wednesday at work I was revamping office/store space where I work. I was short of breath the entire 5 hours. I wrote it off to being out of shape from having my left knee re ...

    - 2016/05/13 - 8:08am - 14 comments

  4. I hit a big one today!

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  Autobiographical April 1... April Fool’s Day. I find the day to be quite appropriate and feel blessed that it is my birthday. It gives me an excuse to be wacky... what else coul ...

    - 2021/04/11 - 8:56am - 6 comments

  5. I survived

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Your thoughts and prayers greatly helped. My last blog I stated I was going into the hospital for a triple bypass open heart surgery. However, I never do things half way. When th ...

    - 2016/06/11 - 10:24am - 8 comments

  6. I'm such a fool...

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I just returned home from overeating at a local Chinese all you can eat buffet. The food is great 7 the place is clean. First plate was 10 shrimp, 2 fish fillets, 2 lobster rolls ...

    - 2018/04/15 - 12:05pm - 5 comments

  7. Merry Christmas!

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I’ve always been TG but never had a chance to express or explore that part of me. Back in the 60s it just wasn’t done much less tolerated. Born physically male I had mixed signal ...

    - 2019/12/24 - 11:35pm - 2 comments

  8. Update on open heart surgery.

    Author:  Jennifer Sue Jennifer Sue's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical According to my doctor my recovery from the 6 bypass is on track. However, I've never been one to sit and take it easy. While I can get around and take care of myself, I ...

    - 2016/07/10 - 8:20am - 8 comments