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  1. 'Do you know many men who menstruate, Wendy?' People are morons

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I was flicking around Youtube. I know I shouldn't. Something always pisses me off. I saw this As usual, trans women get the blame in the comme ...

    - 2023/10/07 - 1:28am - 6 comments

  2. 4th of July Shooting

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  News Item My heart goes out to those poor people killed or injured by another angry man with a rifle. On a day of celebration they were attacked for some so far unknown reason. I know ...

    - 2022/07/07 - 3:06pm - 16 comments

  3. A curfew for men?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item In the UK recently there has been a lot in the newspapers and the news about the conviction of a police officer who raped and murdered a woman. https://www.reuters ...

    - 2021/10/08 - 6:06am - 1 comment

  4. A little positive news story- Boy in sequined prom dress ‘living his best life’

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item It's nice to know the world isn't all about hate. Boy in sequined prom dress ‘living his best life’ A 16-year-old boy who wore ...

    - 2022/07/06 - 10:17pm - 3 comments

  5. A load of old bollocks about trans and bathrooms

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  News Item This is old, it goes back to when Obama was president. It was the usual anti trans and bathrooms. I don't know why this bothers me so much. I have used the ladies when ...

    - 2022/03/29 - 2:40am - 8 comments

  6. A picture paints a thousand words

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Says it all really. ...

    - 2023/02/25 - 2:28pm

  7. American Politics and Religion

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Women living in about half of all US states could soon lose access to abortion, according to a leaked Supreme Court document. I've bee ...

    - 2022/05/03 - 8:12am - 1 comment

  8. Billy Bragg trans and non binary lyrics "Sexuality"

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I came across this article yesterday. I found it quite balanced and insightful. There is more to it than I shown below, but you can get the gist of it. ...

    - 2021/12/01 - 1:58pm - 4 comments

  9. British Cycling and trans women ban- Sponser pulls out

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item The main sponser for the Women’s CiCLE Classic race which has banned trans cyclist Emily Bridges, has pulled out due to the ban. Peter Stanton has sponsored the race since its 2016 inception ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:12pm - 13 comments

  10. British Cycling to ban transgender women from competing in female category

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I think we all saw this coming. Under a new participation policy that the governing body said was "predicated on fairness", such athlete ...

    - 2023/06/02 - 10:17am - 17 comments

  11. Did Nicola Sturgeon resign as first minister due to Gender Recognition Reform?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item With seemingly perfect timing, just after the SNP passed a Scottish version of the Gender Recognition Reform bill by 86 votes to 39, the story of Isla Bryson reared its ugly head. Isla Bryson ...

    - 2023/02/25 - 11:48am - 6 comments

  12. England won the 2022 European cup

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Yesterday, England won the 2022 women's European cup. What made it sweeter was it was against Germany. In England's footballing history (Soccer for those in the USA), Germany always ...

    - 2022/08/11 - 9:35pm - 35 comments

  13. Fa'afafine

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item For those who are unfamiliar Fa'afafine is the Samoan 3rd gender. When I first read about fa'afafine, The article said families that had all boys would choose one to raise as a girl ...

    - 2023/08/09 - 8:26pm

  14. Female snooker star calls for trans competitors to be banned from the sport after Jamie Hunter's win

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I really don't understand how a trans woman has the advantage over a Cis woman in snooker. What next? Chess? Poker? Former World No 1 Maria Catalano, cousin of reigning snooker champion ...

    - 2022/09/10 - 8:23pm - 10 comments

  15. Forced Gender Reassignment True?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Physical or Emotional Abuse Blog About:  News Item There are always urban myths about this subject, and of course thousands of fictional stories. The story of Sporus who was turned into a woman f ...

    - 2022/03/02 - 6:52pm - 18 comments

  16. Gender swap song is number 1 in the UK

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Due to Netflix series Stranger Things. Kate Bush is number ne in the UK charts with Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God). The sort of trans/gender swap line that is repeated in this song is ...

    - 2022/06/24 - 8:52am - 1 comment

  17. Huge rise in the number of girls seeking referrals to gender clinics.

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I always assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that the majority of transgender folk were MTF and that there were very few FTM. This article says. NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 ...

    - 2023/04/16 - 2:44pm - 13 comments

  18. Hundreds rally in Downing Street for full ban on conversion therapy

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item In the UK there have been moves to outlaw "Conversion Therapy" being used on LGBT, then the government did a U-turn on banning "Conversion Therapy" on the "T". h ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:11pm - 6 comments

  19. Jonathan Pie sticks it to Boris Johnson

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item This video sums up what a lot of people feel about Boris Johnson at the moment. ...

    - 2022/04/20 - 7:28pm - 4 comments

  20. Keir Starmer falls foul of JK Rowling

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Sir Keir Starmer on Friday that ‘trans women are women’. Labour’s leader had attempted to end criticism that its MPs were tying themselves up in knots over what defines a woman. Asked the que ...

    - 2022/03/13 - 10:13pm - 17 comments
