
Search results

  1. TERF's and The Bathrooms Debate

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item In the UK this weekend there has been some debate after an MP received death threats when her views on trans women were made public. She does have history. ...

    - 2021/09/29 - 9:50pm - 28 comments

  2. What it is to be a woman

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item The story I am writing at the moment has the main character wanting to be a woman, but not wanting any surgery (currently). It has raised the question for me. What ...

    - 2021/10/04 - 9:29am - 14 comments

  3. A curfew for men?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item In the UK recently there has been a lot in the newspapers and the news about the conviction of a police officer who raped and murdered a woman. https://www.reuters ...

    - 2021/10/08 - 6:06am - 1 comment

  4. TERF's comments on Youtube John Lewis advert

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item There is a new John Lewis Insurance commercial. It shows a boy dressed as a girl dancing to Edge of 17 causing destruction around the house. Stupid advert, as I'll get a child to smash m ...

    - 2021/10/22 - 2:13pm - 10 comments

  5. Billy Bragg trans and non binary lyrics "Sexuality"

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I came across this article yesterday. I found it quite balanced and insightful. There is more to it than I shown below, but you can get the gist of it. ...

    - 2021/12/01 - 1:58pm - 4 comments

  6. Forced Gender Reassignment True? I had know that Thailand did the most operations. What surpried me was that Iran came second. This ...

    - 2022/03/02 - 6:52pm - 18 comments

  7. Scottish gender recognition reform bill- JK Rowling

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill will amend the Gender Recognition Act 2004 to introduce new criteria for applicants who wish to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). Ob ...

    - 2022/03/11 - 7:15pm - 8 comments

  8. Something I found very funny

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I found this on an old youtube video. It was about a guy that wanted to make it law that men sit down to pee. I'd love to see how it would have been enforced. Camera's? or some sort ...

    - 2022/03/13 - 5:46am - 8 comments

  9. A load of old bollocks about trans and bathrooms

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  News Item This is old, it goes back to when Obama was president. It was the usual anti trans and bathrooms. I don't know why this bothers me so much. I have used the ladies when ...

    - 2022/03/29 - 2:40am - 8 comments

  10. The Cost of War

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item The horrible war in the Ukraine has cost at least 900 civilian lives. Often the civilians suffer more than the armies. What did surprise me was when I looked into civilian casualties in other ...

    - 2022/04/01 - 10:50pm - 23 comments

  11. UK Opinions on Trans/Bathrooms/Sport

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I found this while looking at some YouGov polls. This is from 2020. Overall it concludes- Britons support the right of transgen ...

    - 2022/04/01 - 10:50pm - 4 comments

  12. Keir Starmer falls foul of JK Rowling

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Sir Keir Starmer on Friday that ‘trans women are women’. Labour’s leader had attempted to end criticism that its MPs were tying themselves up in knots over what defines a woman. Asked the que ...

    - 2022/03/13 - 10:13pm - 17 comments

  13. Saccone Joly Trans Child

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item I came across this on Sky News The parents seem very supportive. How much would many of us have loved being treated like this w ...

    - 2022/04/10 - 6:10pm - 2 comments

  14. Hundreds rally in Downing Street for full ban on conversion therapy

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item In the UK there have been moves to outlaw "Conversion Therapy" being used on LGBT, then the government did a U-turn on banning "Conversion Therapy" on the "T". h ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:11pm - 6 comments

  15. British Cycling and trans women ban- Sponser pulls out

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item The main sponser for the Women’s CiCLE Classic race which has banned trans cyclist Emily Bridges, has pulled out due to the ban. Peter Stanton has sponsored the race since its 2016 inception ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:12pm - 13 comments

  16. USA People die because they can't afford drugs?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item Not coming from the USA I don't know if it's true. Do people die because they can't afford drugs? In the Uk we have the NHS, while not perfect, almost everything is virtually f ...

    - 2022/04/20 - 7:25pm - 24 comments

  17. Jonathan Pie sticks it to Boris Johnson

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item This video sums up what a lot of people feel about Boris Johnson at the moment. ...

    - 2022/04/20 - 7:28pm - 4 comments

  18. American Politics and Religion

    1967. ...

    - 2022/05/03 - 8:12am - 1 comment

  19. They're at it again with anti-trans crap in Northern Ireland

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  News Item What pisses me off is the way they ask the questions. "biological men dressed as women should be able to use changing rooms with young females." WHY "young" females? Are t ...

    - 2022/05/09 - 1:38pm - 5 comments

  20. Rick Gervais trans jokes

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Language Blog About:  News Item I watched Ricky Gervias latest standup on Netflix last night. He made a few jokes about women, wealth, fat people and trans. There are some people upset about this ...

    - 2022/05/30 - 6:16pm - 16 comments
