
Search results

  1. Possible delay in awarding my Christmas comp prizes

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item Just a heads up to say that there might be a delay in the awarding of my extra prizes winners for the Christmas Competition. My 94 years old Mother was admitted to Hospital last night. The ...

    - 2017/01/09 - 8:20am - 1 comment

  2. My prizes for the Christmas Contest

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item After due delibaration and contemplation, I have come to a decision. Cue drum roll.... First Prize goes to • Lost and Found by Julie D. Cole Second Prize goes to • Ghost Gift by Dorothy Col ...

    - 2017/01/14 - 11:50am - 5 comments

  3. Interesting article on the BBC

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item This is quite interesting. A MtF woman named Gwen from Pennsylvania, hosted an "ask me anything" (AMA) session on the online community si ...

    - 2017/01/22 - 3:14pm - 2 comments

  4. Ricki Ortiz- TG Streetfighter Player

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item I'm not a computer gamer but this caught my eye. I'm not sure about viewing it from outside the UK though. She came ...

    - 2017/03/26 - 10:10am - 3 comments

  5. 90yr old Transgender

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item This article is about a 90yr old who has come out as Transgender. Never too late? Samantha ...

    - 2017/04/02 - 3:50pm - 4 comments

  6. The Racing Driver who became a Ballerina

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item A post on the BBC (with Video) about a Ballerina who was a Racing Driver and other 'manly' things before transitioning and going to the Royal Academy of Dance. ...

    - 2017/04/21 - 4:55pm - 1 comment

  7. Where have all the Cyclists gone?

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item I know it is election day here in France and where I am now (SW of Brive la Gallarde) is wonderful cycling country. The roads and even the minor 'D' ones are well surfaced if you ...

    - 2017/04/26 - 12:15am - 6 comments

  8. Snowed In!

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item Here I am in the hills/small mountains south of St Ettienne and we had a big gale last night. Strong winds and rain that brought more than a few trees down. Woke up this morning with the pr ...

    - 2017/05/05 - 1:38am - 26 comments

  9. Interesting story on the BBC

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item This is a quite moving piece on the BBC about someone who is transitioning MtoF. The come from a farming family in Wales and the piece is told by the family of Llyr. ...

    - 2017/06/02 - 6:48pm - 11 comments

  10. Trump bans Trans people from US Military

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item US President Donald Trump today announced that Transgendered people can't serve in the US Military. This seems to be another rolling ...

    - 2017/07/27 - 10:37pm - 19 comments

  11. The 'Tax' on being different

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item This video blog on the BBC is quite illuminating. Firstly, the narrator is Transgendered and a PHD. She talks about the monet ...

    - 2017/10/12 - 5:48pm - 2 comments

  12. Grayson Perry's Dresses

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item The British Artist, Grayson Perry is well known for his alter-ego Claire and her somewhat flamboyant dresses. An exhibition of some of them opens tomorrow at the Walker Art Gallery in Liver ...

    - 2017/11/11 - 10:56am - 4 comments

  13. Imagine this???

    Author:  SamanthaMD SamanthaMD's blog Blog About:  News Item Imagine Jesus is standing at the altar in a sparkly gold dress and heels. This is what is portraid in Brazil in a monologue called &qu ...

    - 2017/11/25 - 10:50am