
Search results

  1. Shaved legs hair re-growth slows down in seniors! I thought it was just me

    Author:  Donna T Donna T's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine--- seek evaluation from a medical professional--- I'm over 65 and have been periodically shaving my legs for over 40 years. I recently noticed the time between needing to shave ha ...

    - 2022/04/22 - 10:41pm - 9 comments

  2. TV ad for Descovy HIV-1 drug... not for use in people assigned female at birth

    Author:  Donna T Donna T's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine I wasn't sure I had heard the television ad correctly so I replayed it AND I went to their web site for clarification. It sounded very odd to my ears. "Discovy is a once-dail ...

    - 2020/09/22 - 12:22am - 3 comments