
Search results

  1. MtF Transgender Endocrinology

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item I would be very interested to hear what young transgender folk are experiencing in terms of Endocrinology. For the people in my generation and almost as old, some of us experience almost no ...

    - 2018/02/21 - 11:28am - 6 comments

  2. Someone knocked over my Credit Card

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item Last night, someone tried to charge $360 on my Credit Card from Nike. The card is shut down. I've never had this happen before. Now to return to hand written checks.:(Gwen ...

    - 2018/06/28 - 7:31am - 12 comments

  3. SRS Shell Game

    Author:  Gwen Brown Ahabidah's blog Blog About:  News Item I was talking to another post op MtF woman the other day, and her experience was the same as mine. They did the surgery, let me convalesce for several days and then wanted another $3000 to fi ...

    - 2018/08/13 - 8:37pm - 8 comments

  4. Third Gender, Guna Yala

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item On BBC, there is an interesting piece about Third Gender on Islands east of Panama. It seems that little boys who feel like girls just live that way, with full acceptance of the community. ...

    - 2018/08/30 - 9:07am - 2 comments

  5. Agender and off to College

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item I no longer have the patience to try to log onto Forums, but I did see a thread from someone that has my sympathy. They live in a state that wouldn't know what to do with a T folk if s ...

    - 2018/08/30 - 9:11am

  6. T news on YouTube

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item There always seems to be quite a lot of young T folk on YouTube, and most are too over the top and exhibitionistic, as youth are wont to be. Don't mean to offend anyone. This old bat i ...

    - 2018/12/08 - 5:39pm - 4 comments