
Search results

  1. Bike Bite!!!

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical A few of you have met me and know that I pride myself on being energetic, sassy and snotty, but fun. LOL. Though the last one of you to visit here saw me not feeling that well. I ...

    - 2016/07/10 - 8:20am - 10 comments

  2. Idaho Statesman "TG" voyeur

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item A so called "transgender woman" got caught in Idaho taking photos in a changing room in Target. Sigh... Life just got a lot harder. I'd like 5 minutes with this person... I d ...

    - 2016/07/17 - 8:31pm - 6 comments

  3. Thankful for this site.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  News Item I'll just be straightforward about this. I am alive because those at this site gave me a friendly place to come to pour out my heart, to cry and to become sufficiently distracted to st ...

    - 2016/07/21 - 4:46pm - 4 comments

  4. I've Had A Lovely Time.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Since 2004, life has been unimaginably hard at times but over the last 5 or so years it has gotten much easier. Being the odd sort that I am, I never really engaged with the LGBT fol ...

    - 2016/08/01 - 7:07am - 1 comment

  5. Deception of Choice

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical This is likely the third time I have blogged about this story since it came out around 2005. I began to read it in a time when my leaving this world was as likely as staying, and odd ...

    - 2016/08/01 - 12:27pm - 2 comments